- Greyscale to coloured image conversion (Image Source: NASA Mars API)
- Informative poster generation based on user inputs(Data Sources: NASA Open Data catalogues, Wikipedia)
1. Install latest python version from https://www.python.org/downloads/
2. Install tensorflow, numpy, matplotlib, wordcloud, newspaper, PIL, skimage, mysql.connector and flask modules using pip
- Intall Tnesorflow - pip install tensorflow
- Install Numpy - pip install numpy
- Install Matplotlib - pip install matplotlib ... and so on
- Install mysql server using https://www.mysql.com/downloads/
- Restore the DB structure in DB folder to your machine
- Enter to mysql console: mysql -u[username] -p[password]
- Create a database named MarsImagery: create database MarsImagery;
- Exit from the mysql console: quit
- Restore the .sql file: mysql -u[username] -p[password] MarsImagery < [local path to backupfile]
- Open a command line and navigate to the folder where the file "marsapp.py" is in
- Run the command flask --app marsapp run
- In a browser enter the URL (usually) to view the content
NOTE: Make sure your run the mysql service allowing the app to connect with the database