Releases: SAA-SDT/EAD2002
20210412 Release
A final update to the EAD 2002 schema to remove the value lists included in EAD 2002 -- e.g., for country, language, and script codes -- and to relax the data type of the relevant attributes to NMTOKEN. This change follows TS-EAS' design principles 7 and 10 (see and makes possible the use of any codes from the respective ISO standards 3166-1, 639-2b, and 15924 with EAD 2002 files as well as the inclusion of other values where appropriate. With this, there will be no further updates to EAD 2002. You can find this final version here in RNG and XSD format: (the DTD has remained unchanged).
EAD Version 2002
Contains all final DTD and Schema documents and related files published from