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BrentpHopkins edited this page Oct 16, 2022 · 26 revisions

Color Scheme


This screen allows the user to login with an existing account or create a new one

Email Login

This screen prompts the user for their email and password

New User Landing Page

This screen prompts a new user for their personal information and goals

Home Screen

Home Screen

This screen serves as the home page for the application.

Food Diary

This screen allows the user to track what the have eaten and see how many calories they have remaining for the day.

Food Search

This screen allows the user to search for foods to add to their food diary


This screen allows the user to see if they have met their daily nutrient requirements for a specified date

Food Details

This screen allows the user to view specific nutritional and beneficial information about a particular ingredient, and add it to their diary.

Recipe Search

Home Screen

This screen allows users to search for recipes and gives a brief summary with key information about each recipe.

Detailed Recipe View

Home Screen

This screen gives detailed information about a recipe such as: its name, a photo, how long it takes to make, what ingredients are needed, instructions on how to make, and general nutritional information.


This screen allows the user to change their personal information and export their data.

Edit Personal Data

This screen allows the user to change their saved data

Dietary Restrictions

This screen allows the user to change or save their dietary preferences.



This page allows the user to view detailed information about the sleep sessions they have logged, as well as receive information about trends the app has noticed in their sleep.

Recipe Book

Recipe Book

This page allows users to view recipes that they have saved or created. They can choose to filter the recipes in the list via the filters provided at the top.