For more details, check the NUR README
A package (see the package list)
$ nix-shell -p <attribute path>
Example :
$ nix-shell -p nur.repos.shamilton.sync-database
In /etc/nixos/configuration.nix
# Please edit this and replace with a fixed revision
# and sha256
nur-no-pkgs = import (builtins.fetchTarball "") {};
imports = [
In ~/.config/nixpkgs/home.nix
# Please edit this and replace with a fixed revision
# and sha256
nur-no-pkgs = import (builtins.fetchTarball "") {};
imports = [
In ~/.config/nixpkgs/home.nix
or /etc/nixos/configuration.nix
# Please edit this and replace with a fixed revision
# and sha256
nur-no-pkgs = import (builtins.fetchTarball "") {};
nixpkgs.overlays = [
NB : generated with this command :
$ nix-shell update-readme-tables/shell.nix --command run
name | attribute path | description |
Myvimconfig-unstable | nur.repos.shamilton.MyVimConfig | My vim config |
android-platform-tools-latest | | android sdk platform-tools |
argparse-3.0 | nur.repos.shamilton.argparse | Argument Parser for Modern C++ |
AutoGnirehtet-unstable | nur.repos.shamilton.autognirehtet | Automatic reconnect script for gnirehtet |
cargo-sort-ck-1.1 | nur.repos.shamilton.cargo-sort-ck | Check if tables and items in a .toml file are lexically sorted |
CdC-cognitoform-result-generator-0.1 | nur.repos.shamilton.cdc-cognitoform-result-generator | Generates a latex formatted output from an xlsx cognitoform excel sheet, made for classes councils preparation |
chunkdrive-2023-08-12 | nur.repos.shamilton.chunkdrive | Check if tables and items in a .toml file are lexically sorted |
commix-3.9 | nur.repos.shamilton.commix | Automated All-in-One OS Command Injection Exploitation Tool |
Compton-0.1_beta2 | nur.repos.shamilton.compton | Compositor for X11 |
ControlsForFake-unstable | nur.repos.shamilton.controls-for-fake | The Qt gui frontend for FakeMicWavPlayer |
python3.11-day-night-plasma-wallpapers-2022-02-11 | | KDE Plasma utility to automatically change to a night wallpaper when the sun is reaching sunset |
vimplugin-decisive-vim-2024-06-15 | nur.repos.shamilton.decisive-vim | Neovim plugin to assist work with CSV files |
FakeMicWavPlayer-unstable | nur.repos.shamilton.fake-mic-wav-player | A pulseaudio client to play wav in a simulated microphone |
python3.11-graph-cli-0.1.19 | nur.repos.shamilton.graph-cli | CLI utility to create graphs from CSV files |
haste-client-0.2.3 | nur.repos.shamilton.haste-client | CLI Haste Client |
InstantTee-2021-04-30 | nur.repos.shamilton.instanttee | Blazing fast Rust implementation of tee |
juk-22.12.2 | nur.repos.shamilton.juk | Audio jukebox app, supporting collections of MP3, Ogg Vorbis and FLAC audio files |
keysmith-23.04.0 | nur.repos.shamilton.keysmith | OTP client for Plasma Mobile and Desktop |
Killbots-23.04.0 | nur.repos.shamilton.killbots | Strategy Game with Robots |
KirigamiGallery-24.05.2 | nur.repos.shamilton.kirigami-gallery | View examples of Kirigami components |
vimplugin-kotlin-vim-2022-12-30 | nur.repos.shamilton.kotlin-vim | Kotlin plugin for Vim |
lbstanza-2023-04-20 | nur.repos.shamilton.lbstanza | L.B. Stanza Programming Language |
lbstanza-bin-0.18.15 | nur.repos.shamilton.lbstanza-bin | L.B. Stanza Programming Language |
libfake-unstable | nur.repos.shamilton.libfake | An easy wrapper library around pulseaudio, written in c++ |
libphidget-0.8.3 | nur.repos.shamilton.libphidget | Ncurses spreadsheet program for the terminal |
Lokalize-24.05.2 | nur.repos.shamilton.lokalize | Computer-aided translation system |
python3.11-merge-keepass-2023-07-11 | nur.repos.shamilton.merge-keepass | Keepass Databases Merging script |
MobileDemo-unstable | nur.repos.shamilton.mobiledemo | Scripts to make mobile apps demo gifs |
MouseInfo-2023-05-05 | nur.repos.shamilton.mouseinfo | Displays XY position and RGB color under the mouse |
python3-3.10.14-mypython | nur.repos.shamilton.mypython | A high-level dynamically-typed programming language |
nix-bisect-2020-09-22 | nur.repos.shamilton.nix-bisect | Bisect nix builds |
numworks-udev-rules-unstable-2020-08-31 | nur.repos.shamilton.numworks-udev-rules | Udev rules for Numworks calculators |
python3.11-parallel-ssh-2.12.0 | nur.repos.shamilton.parallel-ssh | Asynchronous parallel SSH client library |
alacritty-patched-0.13.2 | nur.repos.shamilton.patched-alacritty | A cross-platform, GPU-accelerated terminal emulator |
rofi-unwrapped-1.7.5 | nur.repos.shamilton.patched-rofi | Window switcher, run dialog and dmenu replacement |
tabbed-20180310-patched | nur.repos.shamilton.patched-tabbed | Simple generic tabbed fronted to xembed aware applications |
python3.11-Pdf2TimeTable-1.0.0 | nur.repos.shamilton.pdf2timetable | Converts a pdf timetable (generated by pronote) to an excel timetable (that can be used with TimeTable2Header) |
phidget-udev-rules-unstable-2023-01-12 | nur.repos.shamilton.phidget-udev-rules | Udev rules for Numworks calculators |
python3.11-Phidget22-1.17.20231004- | nur.repos.shamilton.phidget22 | Simple module with a Rect class for Pygame-like rectangular areas |
node_pronote-timetable-fetch-1.0.0 | nur.repos.shamilton.pronote-timetable-fetch | Pronote timetable fetcher, using Pronote-API |
python3.11-PronoteBot-1.0.0 | nur.repos.shamilton.pronotebot | Pronote bot to open pronote or to open the physics and chemistry book at a specified page |
python3.11-PyAutoGUI-0.9.54 | nur.repos.shamilton.pyautogui | GUI automation Python module for human beings |
python3.11-PyGetWindow-0.0.9 | nur.repos.shamilton.pygetwindow | Simple, module for obtaining GUI information on applications' windows |
pymecavideo-8.0rc10 | nur.repos.shamilton.pymecavideo | GUI automation Python module for human beings |
python3.11-PyRect-0.2.0 | nur.repos.shamilton.pyrect | Simple module with a Rect class for Pygame-like rectangular areas |
python3.11-PyScreeze-2023-06-14 | nur.repos.shamilton.pyscreeze | Simple, cross-platform screenshot module for Python 2 and 3 |
python3.11-python3-xlib-0.15 | nur.repos.shamilton.python3-xlib | Python3 version of python-xlib |
python3.11-pytweening-2024-02-20 | nur.repos.shamilton.pytweening | A set of tweening / easing functions implemented in Python |
python3.11-pyzo-4.16.0 | nur.repos.shamilton.pyzo | Interactive editor for scientific Python |
qcoro-0.10.0 | nur.repos.shamilton.qcoro | The Qt gui frontend for FakeMicWavPlayer |
qrup-2022-06-17 | nur.repos.shamilton.qrup | Transfer files over LAN from your mobile device to your computer. |
perl5.38.2-renrot-1.2.0 | nur.repos.shamilton.renrot | Utility to renames files according the flexible name template |
rpi-fan-unstable | nur.repos.shamilton.rpi-fan | Little bash script to that controls the rpi fans |
scim-0.8.3 | nur.repos.shamilton.scim | Ncurses spreadsheet program for the terminal |
Scripts-unstable | nur.repos.shamilton.scripts | Scripts to make my life easier |
slick-greeter-master.mint22 | nur.repos.shamilton.slick-greeter | A slick-looking LightDM greeter |
smtprelay-1.11.1 | nur.repos.shamilton.smtprelay | Simple command-line snippet manager, written in Go |
spectacle-clipboard-unstable | nur.repos.shamilton.spectacle-clipboard | KDE Spectacle fork to enable clipboard funcionnalities |
splat-1.4.2 | nur.repos.shamilton.splat | Terrain analysis tool for the electromagnetic spectrum |
python3.10-ssh-python-0.10.0 | nur.repos.shamilton.ssh-python | Bindings for libssh C library |
python3.11-ssh2-python-1.0.0 | nur.repos.shamilton.ssh2-python | Super fast SSH2 protocol library |
python3.11-sync-database-2023-07-11 | nur.repos.shamilton.sync-database | Keepass databases synching script to ssh servers and phone |
python3.11-tabula-py-2.6.0 | nur.repos.shamilton.tabula-py | Simple wrapper for tabula-java, read tables from PDF into DataFrame |
tfk-api-unoconv-3.2.5 | nur.repos.shamilton.tfk-api-unoconv | Unoconv as a webservice |
tg-0.5.0 | | Program for timing mechanical watches |
python3.11-TimeTable2Header-1.0.0 | nur.repos.shamilton.timetable2header | Converts an ODF school timetable to a c++ header to use with the omega agenda app (for numworks calculators) |
UnoconvUI-2021-06-20 | nur.repos.shamilton.unoconvui | MS Office files conversion client for the Unoconv Web Service |
vimplugin-vim-async-2022-04-04 | nur.repos.shamilton.vim-async | Normalize async job control api for vim and neovim |
vimplugin-vim-asyncomplete-2.1.0 | nur.repos.shamilton.vim-asyncomplete | Async completion in pure vim script for vim8 and neovim |
vimplugin-vim-asyncomplete-lsp-2022-11-21 | nur.repos.shamilton.vim-asyncomplete-lsp | LSP source for asyncomplete.vim vim-lsp |
vimplugin-vim-lsp-0.1.4 | nur.repos.shamilton.vim-lsp | Async language server protocol plugin for vim and neovim |
vimplugin-vim-lsp-settings-0.0.1 | nur.repos.shamilton.vim-lsp-settings | Auto configurations for Language Server for vim-lsp |
vimplugin-vim-myftplugins-unstable | nur.repos.shamilton.vim-myftplugins | My vim ftplugins |
vimplugin-stanza-2019-08-09 | nur.repos.shamilton.vim-stanza | Stanza syntax highlighting |
vimplugin-vim-super-retab-2013-11-8 | nur.repos.shamilton.vim-super-retab | Identation conversion: tabs to spaces or spaces to tabs |
vimplugin-vala-2020-05-02 | nur.repos.shamilton.vim-vala | Vala syntax highlighting, indentation, snippets and more for Vim |
voacapl-0.7.6 | nur.repos.shamilton.voacap | HF Propagation Prediction and Ionospheric Communications Analysis |
python3.11-wavetrace-4.0.3 | nur.repos.shamilton.wavetrace | Radio propagation modelling |
xmltoman-0.6 | nur.repos.shamilton.xmltoman | Convert xml to groff (manpage) format |
python3.11-Yaml2ProbaTree-0.1 | nur.repos.shamilton.yaml2probatree | Converts a yaml structure to a LaTeX/TiKZ probability tree |
python3.11-youtube-dl-2024-07-06 | | Command-line program to download videos from |