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Transit Backend

Python version: 3.10

Application initialization

1. Clone Repository

git clone

2. Optional configuration

By default, docker uses following configuration:

DB_HOST=db # By default, it's pointing to db container run from docker-compose.

Custom configuration can be added through .env file. Following parameters are handled:

Database config

DB_NAME=TransIT # Name of database 
DB_USER=postgres # Database user
DB_PASSWORD=postgres # DB User's password
DB_PORT=5432 # Port under which  
DB_HOST='' # Database URL, dockerized instance uses 'db' service by default

Note: Application expects PostgreSQL database.

Application config

DEBUG=True # Determine if app should run in debug mode. 
SECRET_KEY # Secret key used by django app, by default value from transit.settings is used
PORT=8000 # Django application port, if changed ports in docker-compose also have to be changed. 
DJANGO_SERVER=django_wsgi # WSGI Server, environments other than local one should use `waitress` server instead
ALLOWED_HOSTS=* # Passed to ALLOWED_HOSTS in django.settings, default * (all hosts) should not be used in production, 
# If more than one host is allowed, hosts should be separated with comma, e.g.: host1,host2,host3
CORS_ORIGIN_WHITELIST=,http://localhost:3000 # The list of origins authorized to make requests 
# therefore this option allow frontend part of application to send request to backend side. 
# If no such env defined CORS_ALLOW_ALL_ORIGINS = True will be setup. Please be careful in production instances.

Django Superuser config

# Used in dockerfile to create superuser during build
SUPERUSER_LOGIN # Username of new superuser
SUPERUSER_PASSWORD # Password user by superuser
SUPERUSER_EMAIL # (optional) Email user by superuser

File Storage config

# Used in dockerfile to determine where files are stored
FILE_STORAGE # File storage adaptor, can be set to 'AWS' if S3 storage is used. 

Note: in docker-compose MEDIA_ROOT has volume for files under docker_data/media/{MEDIA_ROOT}

For more details regarding S3 file storage check S3 File storage setup

2. Build docker instance

TransIT backend application requires docker networks to run. To create them run:

docker network create transit-network 
docker network create superset-network 

superset-network is used for integration with superset dashboards embedded in frontend application.

Both database and application can be deployed in docker container by running

docker-compose up

3. Create django superuser

Superuser is admin that have privileges to every part of application. To create superuser manually run following command in folder where docker-compose.yml is

docker-compose run web manage createsuperuser --username admin

You'll be asked for email and password for given user.

Superuser can be also created automatically during docker build. If following environmental variables are provided, they will be used during setup to create new superuser.


If superuser with given login already exists no action will be taken. Password will not be overwritten, email will not be updated.

4. Confirm setup

Open http://localhost:8000/api/swagger/ to confirm that backend is running. Swagger should be visible.

5. [Optional] Populate database with test data.

Demo data can be added to application using

docker-compose run web shell scripts/create_demo_data.bash

It'll populate database with fixed collection of item types, vehicle types, customer types and random collection of customers, suppliers, orders and shipments. It can be called multiple times, while fixed collections will not duplicate, new collections of random batches will be added.

Additional setup

1. S3 File storage

To use S3 storage instead of standard file storage following env variables have to be set:

AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=<access_key> # AWS access key 
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=<secret_access_key> # AWS secret access key
AWS_BUCKET=<bucket> # Bucket under which files will be stored (media root is included)

Code quality analysis

Application uses Sonar Cloud to ensure code quality, following rules have to be followed before PR with changes can be merged:

  • All unit tests are passing
  • Static code analysis passes

To check if local changes are aligned with these requirements execute docker-compose run web test to run checks from docker container or tox -e local_test to run it locally (requires python3.10 tox, either from global package or virtual environment). It's the same test collection that's used during GitHub build.

Git Hooks

While checks for both unit tests and style guides can be executed by sonar directly, build on remote can take some time. For quick code validation it is recommended to use provided git hooks. From main directory run


to run tox -e local_test automatically each time before code is pushed to remote.

Superset Setup

Superset is a part of docker-compose, it can be run using docker-compose up superset. Superset will be then available under localhost:8088. At the moment connection is not configured out of the box and has to be setup manually. To connect it with dockerized TransIT database use host and port 5440.

Superset Embedded Dashboard Setup

On Superset UI you have to create new user with particular roles: [public, gamma]. This user will allow you to connect to dashboard through frontend part of TransIT app. On backend side you have to set Environmental variable to have proper configuration with Superset and have working embedded dashboard on frontend side:

SUPERSET_HOST # Domain where Superset is deployed
SUPERSET_ADMIN # Username for admin in Superset
SUPERSET_ADMIN_PASS # Password for admin user in Superset
SUPERSET_USERNAME_DASHBOARD # Username of guest user in Superset
SUPERSET_FIRSTNAME_DASHBOARD # First name of guest user in Superset
SUPERSET_LASTNAME_DASHBOARD # Last name of guest user in Superset


ModuleNotFound exception after pulling changes from remote

This is most likely due to new requirements added on remote that are not installed locally. New packages will appear after rebuilding container.

Issues with tox

In case of ERROR: InvocationError for command <command> during tox check it might be necessary to run command tox recreate.

Improvement ideas:

  • Models:
    • Driver password shouldn't be kept in plain text
    • Address should be separate object instead of a bunch of fields reoccurring in multiple models
    • Contact information should be in other model
    • Remove old_quantity from OrderLineDetails and add simple history models
    • OrderDetails rename to Order
    • order_received_date should be in Date format
    • Change order details primary key to integer,
    • Customer Photos? - current legacy code expects images to be stored in cloud, will it be the case also for new app? What about new instances without cloud deployment? We should create customizable CustomerPhoto adapter that can be configured for different sources.
    • M:N ShipmentOrderMapping should be removed and replaced by django builtin.
    • ShipmentDetails should most likely reference transporter instead of transporter_details
    • In ShipmentDetails should it be checked if driver is related to transported_details? If so one of the fields is redundant since Driver:Transporter is N:1 relation and not M:N relation
    • Should ShipmentDetails.POD and ShipmentDetails.delay_justified nullable? Or default value True/False.
    • Show ShipmentDetails.ShipmentStatus id determined? Do we need it?
    • NOTE: In DRF PUT is not method eligible for updating single fields, only whole objects. If we want to update fields we should use PATCH instead.
    • Change Shipment boolean PODVariance to property being set when there's existing PODVariance in database.
    • Old quality and new quality seems to actually be 'declared' and 'actual' quantities, should it be renamed?
    • Excel upload: Item Code doesn't exist in the system, Items have only name, should it be added?
    • Excel upload: Customer Excel upload doesn't provide customer type column, should it be added?
    • Excel upload: Customer ID not stored in DB as string (PK id only), should it be added?
    • Should Customer Name be unique across the application? (Multiple references in excel upload - No Customer ID code)
    • Excel upload: OrderDetails don't provide information about item details, it's obligatory attribute in order line detail so at the moment it's generated (using random batch number).
    • DSO (Pod Variance) and Pod status (Delivery Status) should be in 1:1 relation with shipment (currently 1:M)


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