This project is an illustrative example of integrated STPA and software modeling (research paper) Authors: Asim Abdulkhaleq, Stefan Wagner Software Engineering Group, Institute of Software Technology University of Stuttgart, Germany March, 2015
-Download SPIN ( and Modex (
- If your operation system is windows: You need to install Cygwin ( gcc
--------------------To generate the verification model --------------------------------
1- run modex - Y ACCsimulator.c (please note that - Modex does not support the boolean data type)
2- run Spin with command line $home/asim/Spin/Scr6.4.3/spin -a model 3- compile the pan files with command
- pthread to compile the c code which includes threads. -lm option to avoid the warning message of using mathematical library such as sqart and abs. pan.m:5952:42: warning: incompatible implicit declaration of built-in function ‘sqrt’ [enabled by default] -DVECTORSZ to avoid the small number of memory. The spin will generate the files : pan.m, pan.h and pan
--------------------To verify the safety requriements which are written in LTL: ----------------
1- convert LTL into never claim by using SPIN command line $ spin -f 'LTL' example: spin -f ' [] (p-> q)
The result of this command will be generated such as : never { /* [] (p-> q) */ do :: (((! ((p))) || ((q)))) -> accept_init od; accept_init: }
- Copy the resutl of command into new file neverpq.pml
- open the model.xml file and define the properties p and q such as
#define p c_expr{ Pp_controlSpeed->frontDistance <= now.safeDistance && now.accvehicle.currentspeed >= now.desiredSpeed && now.accMode==cruise}
#define q c_expr{now.accOperation==accelerate}
- run the spin with command line :
$ ./pan -m100000
- save the results in separate log file: ./pan -m100000 &>logfile.txt
- When SPIN produces a .trail file and we replay the error trail using spin –t, we usually want more information than what SPIN provides by default.
- To ignore the unreached errors with command ./pan, you have to add the flag -n in your command : ./pan -n -m5000