A data exporter for monitoring PocketMine-MP server.
Create a thread and run HTTP server. By default, server bind to address
Prometheus request to each node(In this case pmmp-prometheus-exporter) for gathering metrics data.
Thread will request metrics data to plugin (in Main Thread) and return data which gathered by plugin.
Finally, data is send to Prometheus.
Reference: Prometheus architecture
First, you have to install Prometheus + Grafana
After finished installation, add this plugin to plugins folder.
When server started, plugin will open prometheus exporter on 9655 port.
Second, register the exporter on prometheus.yml
- job_name: 'pmmp'
- targets: ['<server-ip>:9655']
This is an example using Prometheus + Grafana.
Metric | Description | Enabled(default) |
pmmp_memory_heap_bytes | Memory usage of heap | true |
pmmp_memory_main_thread_bytes | Memory usage of main thread | true |
pmmp_memory_maximum_bytes | Maximum size of system memory | true |
pmmp_memory_total_bytes | Total size of memory | true |
pmmp_network_download_bytes | Network download traffic usage | true |
pmmp_network_upload_bytes | Network upload traffic usage | true |
pmmp_player_online_count | Count of online players | true |
pmmp_player_total_count | Total count of players (Online+Offline) | true |
pmmp_thread_count | PocketMine Thread count | true |
pmmp_ticks_per_second | Indicates how much server lag spikes. (TPS) | true |
pmmp_tick_usage | How much tick using | true |
pmmp_world_chunk_loaded | Loaded chunk count | true |
pmmp_world_disk_usage_bytes | Disk usage of world | true |
pmmp_world_entity_count | Count of entity | true |
pmmp_world_loaded | Currently loaded world | true |
pmmp_world_player_count | How many players in world | true |
pmmp_world_tick_rate | Tick rate time(millisecond) of world | true |