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List all members of a team

Philipp S. Sommer edited this page May 29, 2020 · 1 revision

You can include the team-members.html template to list all members of a specific team. If you want to list all members of the Organizational committee (orga, see committees.yml), for instance, you can include the following snippet in your markdown document

{% include team-members.html team="orga" %}

You can combine this with a loop over the different categories. For instance, if you want to create one section per committee, make a loop over the keys in committees.yml, and use the include here. The code for this looks like

{% for item in %}
{% assign org = item[0] %}
{% assign info = item[1] %}
<h3 id="{{ org }}">{{ }}</h3>
{% include team-members.html team=org %}

{% endfor %}

Note that we use the <h3> tag here in order to assign the id property to the committee identifier. This makes the headline independent of the

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