This folder contains the source code and configuration to build the Docker image for the MoscowML fallback server.
You should have Docker installed and the Docker daemon running. Download and build the dependencies via:
To build the fallback locally:
docker build -t yourimage .
Pipe into this command:
docker run --rm -i yourimage
to get a cleaned up result.
Or use mine:
docker pull derjesko/mosmlfallback
docker run --rm -i derjesko/mosmlfallback
If run available for public running you should propably limit its resources:
docker run --cpus=1 --memory=128m --rm -i --read-only derjesko/mosmlfallback
If don't want the user running this to have dockerrights make shure docker is in the docker group then change the ownership of dockerrun like this:
chown docker:docker
chmod 755
chmod u+s
Now you can start a mosml docker container via: