This projects includes some experiments in querying MEI/XML with SPARQL Anything.
The queries reuses MEI files from The Catalogue of Carl Nielsen's Works and from the MEI samples-encoding repository.
This project includes examples using open data from the Tate Gallery collection.
In what follows, fx
is java -jar sparql-anything-<version>.jar
Transform a complete MEI in RDF:
fx -q queries/toRDF.sparql -o data/toRDF.ttl -f TTL
And with file sample-encodings/MEI_4.0/Music/Complete_examples/Parker-Gillespie_ShawNuff.mei
fx -q queries/toRDF-parker.sparql -o data/Parker-Gillespie_ShawNuff.ttl -f TTL
fx -q queries/file.sparql -o data/cnw0001-file.csv -f CSV
List bibliographic statements in CNW/cnw001.xml
fx -q queries/bibl.sparql -o data/cnw0001-bibl.csv -f CSV
Query file CNW/cnw0001.xml
and declare OWL classes, object properties, and datatype properties.
fx -q queries/ontology.sparql -o data/ontology.csv -f TTL
This query extract the list of notes from sample-encodings/MEI_4.0/Music/Complete_examples/Parker-Gillespie_ShawNuff.mei
To see the list in the terminal:
fx -q queries/notes.sparql
is an optional parameter, otherwise both staffs are returned
fx -q queries/notes.sparql -v staffNo=1
Save as CSV:
fx -q queries/notes.sparql -d data/notes.csv -f CSV