This repository contains the work completed by SUSA for IPMD Inc during the Fall 2017 Semester. The project was to classify facial emotions of a dataset of images provided by a Kaggle competition released in 2013. The data provided is fraught with mislabelling and inconsistent cropping of faces. Our final validation accuracy acheived on this dataset was 65% using an ensemble model of max-pooling convolutional neural networks, along with ResNet-like architectures.
The code provided is how we trained our ensemble models with a 4-fold cross validation on 28,000 training images (48x48x3).
This is a bash script to be run to train our models on all 4 cross-validation folds of the provided data.
Script to train either a Max-pooling CNN or ResNet-like architecture depending on flags passed. Saves models to exp_{fold_num}/.
This data is not provided due to size limits. The following information for internal docs on understanding the code.
Training data provided as "PublicUse" in the (Kaggle Competition data)[]
Data used to evaluate the model after validation & hyper parameter tuning. Provided as "PrivateUse" (used for the leaderboard rankings).