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Integration tests

Joshua Schmid edited this page Feb 20, 2018 · 1 revision

After you opened a PR the 'health-ok' suite will be triggered.

If you want to run more tests against your PR you can simply trigger these by leaving comments. Depending on your needs, we currently have implemented tests for:

Basic Suite

please run basic suite

Basic Suite (with encryption)

please run dmcrypt suite

Ganesha Suite

please run ganesha suite

Iscsi Suite

please run igw suite

MDS Suite

please run mds suite

OpenAttic Suite

please run openattic suite

RGW Suite

please run rgw suite

To inspect the logs you can click on the 'Deepsea's health-ok check detail button' which will appear on Github's Status Check bar on the very bottom of your PR. This will redirect you to a Jenkins instance and present you with the page of the job you just triggered. By clicking on 'default' you reach the 'Build artifacts' page where you can inspect a log file called: teuth-deepsea-b[id].log.

Inside this log you have to look for a URL that looks similar to this.

Depending on which suite you ran, you will see the output of all stages in 'debug' verbosity.

You can rerun a test by simply deleting the comment and re-posting the trigger phrase again. (Jenkins' 're-run' feature is not enabled currently.)