Here at Carbon Crackdown, our goals are to bring awareness to how much pollution the wealthy are responsible for. Although we believe every individual should do what they can to assist the environment, we also believe the wealthy are responsible for significantly more pollution, yet average people are the ones held responsible and told to “reduce, reuse, recycle.” We envision a society where all citizens are well-informed of the consequences that our actions may have on the environment, and this starts at the top.
We hope to create a website called “Carbon Crackdown” — a website that tracks the private flight patterns of celebrities and calculates their carbon footprint compared to the average person. These flight patterns are public knowledge, our website would specifically focus on celebrities to help highlight the disparity in environmental impact between the wealthy and average people. Our website would be available to everyone, with daily updates as we receive them. With this website you may also compare your own carbon footprint to those of famous celebrities, and learn how to advocate against their indulgent habits with protests and boycotts. All profits (generated through advertising) will go towards a conservation effort chosen monthly by the users via a poll.
- Matthew Oley
- Parker Noffke
- Marisa Ortiz
- Ty Platow
- Ryan Roth
- github accounts and basic knowledge
- Clone the repository and go to the root directory.
(It may be the case that your implementation is not perfect...)
Document any known bug or nuisance. If any shortcomings, make clear what these are and where they are located.
<you could linkto the specific private board where your backlog is kept>
<replace with the type of license you will use for the project> e.g. MIT License
See LICENSE for details.