This is a fork from fit-iot-bab contiki , which is a fork of contiki 3.0 The only changes are in file ../core/net/rpl/rpl-icmp6.c where the version of the DAO message is increased every time the (malicious) node sends a new message: buffer[pos++] = ++ (dag->version);
The attacker node DOES nothing per se.
Another idea is to use a standard contiki and insert a compile variable (#ifdef) sourounding the above line to enable it only for malicious nodes.
Examples and applied such attacks can be found in ASSET:
Dont forget to cite: George Violettas, George Simoglou, Sophia Petridou, Lefteris Mamatas, A Softwarized Intrusion Detection System for the RPL-based Internet of Things networks, Future Generation Computer Systems, Volume 125, 2021, Pages 698-714, ISSN 0167-739X,
All my alterations in the code have "// George" NOT Oikonomou
/*********** George DODAG inconsistency ***************************/
Changes are in file core/net/rpl/rpl-ext-header.c The attacker node DOES nothing per se...
/* DODAG inconsistency paper "Addressing DODAG Inconsistency Attacks in RPL Networks" mentions:
The ‘O’ flag— indicates the expected direction of a packet. When set, the packet is intended for a descendant. Otherwise it is intended for a parent, towards the DODAG root.
The ‘R’ flag— indicates that a rank error was detected by a node forwarding the packet. A mismatch between the direction indicated by the ‘O’ flag and the rank of sending/forwarding node causes the flag to be set. The ‘R’ flag is used to repair this problem by setting it, in case it was not set previously, and forwarding the packet. Upon receiving a packet with the ‘R’ flag already set, the packet is discarded and the trickle timer used by RPL is reset.
A malicious node, part of an RPL network, can directly attack its parent by sending data packets that have the ‘O’ and ‘R’ flags set. Since packets with the ‘O’ flag are intended for descendant nodes, the receiving parent detects a DODAG inconsistency. If the ‘R’ flag is also set, which is the case during the attack, the received packet is dropped and the trickle timer is reset */
printf("George: ILLEGAL options 'O' & 'R' set. \n");