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App that allows agents to manage estates, full MVVM, Clean Architecture

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Repository files navigation



Android application that allows you to list properties for a real estate agency. It will be possible to login with Gmail, list new property with text and photos, modify them, be up-to-date with other agent, performing search with multiple parameters, convert price to euros/dollars, check your position and that of the properties, marked property as sold. The properties can't be deleted. This application allows user to get Master/detail view that allows to see property and its details view on same screen, when on tablet mode.



  • Authentification with Gmail via Firebase Authentification
  • Activity to see the list of properties with the agent name in charge
  • Activity to see details of a property with a static map
  • Activity to edit property: photos, text, sold button (permanent)
  • Activity to add a property
  • Activity to search with multiple parameters: price, surface and room range, by interest, the number of photo, property type, county
  • Activity with a Goole map, to see your position and that of the properties
  • A logout item
  • List and details activity are converted to fragment with a master/detail, when on tablet mode.
  • Databases:
    • A local Room database
    • A distant Firestore database
    • All databases is up-to-date according to their timestamp creation/changes



  • Material Design:
    • constraint layout
  • Glide
  • Coroutines
  • GoogleMap play services
  • Firebase Auth
  • Firebase Firestore
  • Firebase storage
  • Room
  • Hilt
  • Mockk
  • Desugar


  • MVVM with an approach of clean Architecture (viewModel, ViewState, Usecase, Repository)
  • LiveData for presentation layer
  • Flow for data and domain layer

Dependency injection

  • Hilt

Unit tests

  • ViewModel and usecase with Mockk

How to use this app

  • Go to build.gradle line 20 & 21
  • replace GOOGLE_MAP_API_KEY by '"your-google-map-key-here"'
  • or edit/create in user.gradle folder with GOOGLE_MAP_API_KEY="your-google-map-key-here"

Feel free to send feedback about your experience ! Happy coding !
