The Explode
macro provides a template-wide Explode
property for CloudFormation resources. Similar to the Count
macro, it will create multiple copies of a template Resource, but looks up values to inject into each copy in a
Mapping or a Parameter.
You will need an S3 bucket to store the CloudFormation artifacts. If you don't have one already, create one with
aws s3 mb s3://<bucket name>
Build the lambda
sam build \
--build-dir lambdas/build/cfn-explode-macro \
--base-dir lambdas/cfn-explode-macro \
--template lambdas/cfn-explode-macro/template.yaml
- Package the Macro and deploy it to a S3 bucket
sam package \
--template-file lambdas/build/cfn-explode-macro/template.yaml \
--output-template-file templates/cfn-explode-macro.yaml
--s3-bucket <bucket name> \
- Deploy the packaged CloudFormation template to a CloudFormation stack:
sam deploy \
--stack-name cfn-explode-macro \
--template-file templates/cfn-explode-macro.yaml \
--capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM
- To test out the macro's capabilities, try launching the provided example template in the Mapping or Parameters section:
aws cloudformation deploy \
--stack-name test-ExplodeParam \
--template-file ExampleMapping.yaml \
--parameters ParameterKey=Ports,ParameterValue=["22","80"] \
--capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM
To make use of the macro, add Transform: Explode
to the top level of your CloudFormation template.
Add a mapping (to the Mappings
section of your template) which contains the instances of the resource values you want to use. Each entry in the mapping will be used for another copy of the resource, and the values inside it will be copied into that instance. The entry name will be appended to the template resource name, unless a value ResourceName
is given, which if present will be used as the complete resource name.
For the resource you want to explode, add an ExplodeMap
value at the top level pointing at the entry from your Mappings which should be used. You can use the same mapping against multiple resource entries.
Inside the resource properties, you can use !Explode KEY
to pull the value of KEY
out of your mapping.
An example is probably in order:
AWSTemplateFormatVersion: "2010-09-09"
Transform: Explode
ResourceName: MyThirtyDayBucket
Retention: 30
Retention: 365
ExplodeMap: BucketMap
Type: AWS::S3::Bucket
ExpirationInDays: !Explode Retention
Status: Enabled
This will result in two Bucket resources; one named MyThirtyDayBucket
with a
lifecycle rule for 30 day retention, and another named BucketYearly
with 365
day retention.
Add a list parameter (to the Parameters
section of your template) which contains the instances of the resource values
you want to use. Each entry in the list will be used for another copy of the resource, and the values inside it will
be copied into that instance. The entry name will be appended to the template resource name.
For the resource you want to explode, add an ExplodeParam
value at the top level pointing at the entry for your
Parameter which should be used.
Inside the resource properties, us the singular name of the parameter !Explode KEY
An example:
AWSTemplateFormatVersion: "2010-09-09"
Transform: Explode
Description: The ports to open
Type: List<Number>
Default: "[]"
ExplodeParam: Ports
Type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup
GroupDescription: "Instance security group"
- CidrIp: ""
FromPort: "!Explode Port"
ToPort: "!Explode Port"
IpProtocol: tcp
The mumber of list values passed to the parameter will generate an equivalent number of security group resources.
If --parameters ParameterKey=Ports,ParameterValue=["22","80"]
is passed in the result will be two security group
resources; one named SecurityGroupPort22
, and another named SecurityGroupPort80
You cannot use Explode on resources that use a hardcoded name (Name:
property). Duplicate names will cause a CloudFormation runtime failure.
If you wish to specify a name then you must use !Explode
with a mapped value
to make each resource's name unique.
For example:
AWSTemplateFormatVersion: "2010-09-09"
Name: MyExampleBucket
Type: AWS::S3::Bucket
ExplodeMap: BucketMap
BucketName: !Explode Name
Using cfn-lint to validate cloudformation templates containing macros may fail however the templates are completely valid and will work as long as the lamba macro has been deployed to AWS. Add this to your templates to supress linter errors:
- E3001
- E3012
- W7001
- W2001
Use a Lambda-like docker container to build the Lambda artifact
$ sam build --use-container
Tests are defined in the tests
folder in this project, and dependencies are
managed with pipenv
. Install the development dependencies and run the tests
using coverage
$ pipenv run coverage run -m pytest tests/ -svv
Automated testing will upload coverage results to Coveralls.
Running integration tests requires docker
sam local invoke MacroFunction \
--template lambdas/build/cfn-explode-macro/template.yaml
--event lambdas/cfn-explode-macro/tests/events/explode_map.json|jq .
Then verify the output is what you expect
James Seward; AWS Solutions Architect, Amazon Web Services
Khai Do; Cloud Architect, Sage Bionetworks