An AWS Lambda for emailing monthly S3 service totals for the current account.
This lambda will query Cost Explorer for monthly totals grouped by service, and also S3-specific totals grouped by S3 usage type (e.g. bytes transferred), then send an email report of the results to the given recipients.
Parameter Name | Allowed Values | Default Value | Description |
Sender | SES verified identity | Required Value | Value to use for the From email field |
Recipients | Comma-delimited list of email addresses | Required Value | The list of email recipients |
OmitCostsLessThan | Floating-point number | 0.01 |
Totals less than this amount will be ignored |
ScheduleExpression | EventBridge Schedule Expression | cron(30 10 2 * ? *) |
Schedule for running the lambda |
This email address will appear is the From
field, and must be
before emails will successfully send.
The list of email recipients for email reports.
Don't include totals less than this amount in the report.
EventBridge schedule expression describing how often to run the lambda. By default it runs at 10:30am UTC on the 2nd of each month.
The lambda is configured to run on a schedule, by default at 10:30am UTC on the 2nd of each month. Ad-hoc runs for testing can be triggered with an empty test event from the Lambda console page
Contributions are welcome.
Install the following applications:
Check in the lambda-test workflow to see how they are installed for automated testing.
Run pipenv sync --dev
to install both production and development requirements,
and pipenv shell
to activate the virtual environment. For more information see
the pipenv docs.
After activating the virtual environment, run pre-commit install
to install
the pre-commit git hook.
First, make any needed updates to the base requirements in Pipfile
, then use
to regenerate both Pipfile.lock
and requirements.txt
$ pipenv update --dev
We use pipenv
to control versions in testing, but sam
relies on
directly for building the lambda artifact, so we dynamically
generate requirements.txt
from Pipfile.lock
before building the artifact.
The file must be created in the CodeUri
directory specified in
$ pipenv requirements > requirements.txt
Additionally, pre-commit
manages its own requirements.
$ pre-commit autoupdate
Use a Lambda-like docker container to build the Lambda artifact
$ sam build --use-container
Tests are defined in the tests
folder in this project, and dependencies are
managed with pipenv
. Install the development dependencies and run the tests
using coverage
$ coverage run -m pytest tests/ -svv
And to view the coverage report:
$ coverage report -m
Automated testing will upload coverage results to Coveralls.
Lint the SAM input template (template.yaml
) using the SAM CLI.
$ sam validate --lint
Validate the SAM input template using the SAM CLI. Requires AWS authentication.
$ sam validate
Validate the SAM input template using the AWS CLI. Requires AWS Authentication.
$ aws cloudformation validate-template --template-body file://template.yaml
Validate the SAM build template using the AWS CLI. Requires AWS Authentication.
$ aws cloudformation validate-template --template-body file://.aws-sam/build/template.yaml
Validate the SAM package template using the AWS CLI. Requires AWS Authentication.
$ aws cloudformation validate-template --template-body file://.aws-sam/build/output.yaml
Running integration tests requires docker
$ sam local invoke MonthlyS3Usage --event events/event.json
Deployments are sent to the
Sage cloudformation repository
which requires permissions to upload to Sage
sam package --template-file .aws-sam/build/template.yaml \
--s3-bucket essentials-awss3lambdaartifactsbucket-x29ftznj6pqw \
--output-template-file .aws-sam/build/output.yaml
aws s3 cp .aws-sam/build/output.yaml s3://bootstrap-awss3cloudformationbucket-19qromfd235z9/lambda-finops-s3-cost-report/VERSION/
Publishing the lambda makes it available in your AWS account. It will be accessible in the serverless application repository.
sam publish --template .aws-sam/build/output.yaml
Making the lambda publicly accessible makes it available in the global AWS serverless application repository
aws serverlessrepo put-application-policy \
--application-id <lambda ARN> \
--statements Principals=*,Actions=Deploy
This lambda is intended to run in a stand-alone account. When using AWS Organizations, deploying the lambda to the payer account will aggregate costs from all member accounts. To get costs for a single member account, deploy the lambda to that member account.
Create the following sceptre file config/prod/lambda-finops-s3-cost-report.yaml
type: http
url: ""
stack_name: "lambda-finops-s3-cost-report"
OwnerEmail: "[email protected]"
Sender: "[email protected]"
Recipients: "[email protected]"
Install the lambda using sceptre:
sceptre --var "profile=my-profile" --var "region=us-east-1" launch prod/lambda-finops-s3-cost-report.yaml
Steps to deploy from AWS console.
- Login to AWS
- Access the serverless application repository -> Available Applications
- Select application to install
- Enter Application settings
- Click Deploy
We have setup our CI to automate a releases. To kick off the process just create a tag (i.e 0.0.1) and push to the repo. The tag must be the same number as the current version in template.yaml. Our CI will do the work of deploying and publishing the lambda.
Some manual verification and testing must be performed with the initial deploy.
In order for SES to send emails, the sender address must be verified prior to the first run of the lambda.
If the AWS Account is in the SES Sandbox, then recipient addresses will also need to be verified prior to the first run of the lambda.
Once the needed addresses have been verified, the lambda should be tested with a canary run by sending to test addresses.
type: http
url: ""
stack_name: "lambda-finops-s3-cost-report"
OwnerEmail: "[email protected]"
Sender: "[email protected]"
Recipients: "[email protected],[email protected]"
Once the sender email address has been verified and a canary run has succeeded, the AWS account must be move out of the SES Sandbox.
After moving the AWS account out of the SES Sandbox, redeploy the lambda without recipient restrictions and with any other needed parameters.
type: http
url: ""
stack_name: "lambda-finops-s3-cost-report"
OwnerEmail: "[email protected]"
Sender: "[email protected]"
Recipients: "[email protected],[email protected]"