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Bridge Server 2.0 running on Spring Boot.


In your home directory, add a file BridgeServer2.conf and add any other local overrides.

If you are using a local MySQL instance, it should not have any sql_mode flags set (none are set in our Aurora DB instances in any environment, and some of our SQL depends on this behavior...more recent MySQL installations set a number of these mode flags by default). Verify that no sql_mode values are set by adding a .my.cnf (in your home directory) or my.cnf file (in other directories) based on where your MySQL installation is looking for this file. Here’s a good explanation of how to determine the right location and there may be installed or pre-existing config files that will overwrite your changes if you don’t supercede them in the precedence order MySQL is using to find the file. On Macs for example, /etc/my.cnf is the first place a dmg-installed version of MySQL will look for this file, but it is different if you install MySQL using brew.

The contents should be:

bind-address =
sql-mode =

Then restart your MySQL server.


To run a full build (including compile, unit tests, findbugs, and jacoco test coverage), run:
mvn verify

(A full build takes about 30 seconds on my laptop, from a clean workspace.)

To just run findbugs, run:
mvn compile findbugs:check

To run findbugs and get a friendly GUI to read about the bugs, run:
mvn compile findbugs:findbugs findbugs:gui

To run jacoco coverage reports and checks, run:
mvn test jacoco:report jacoco:check

Jacoco report will be in target/site/jacoco/index.html


To run this locally, run
mvn spring-boot:run

To run this locally without executing boostrapping framework (which improves start-up time):
mvn spring-boot:run

To debug remotely, run:
mvn spring-boot:run"-Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=5005"

Useful Spring Boot / Maven development resouces: