- Current workspace can work with ADE image provided with assignment, so just replacing the dex_ws with dex_sugun_ws will allow to use the custome plugin.
Step 1: Setup home directory and build image
mkdir ~/dexoryhome
cd ~/dexoryhome
touch .adehome
cp <downloaded_exercise.zip> ~/dexoryhome
unzip exercise.zip
cd ~/dexoryhome/auto-exercise/ade
docker build --no-cache -t auto-exercise-ade:latest
Step 2: Start and Enter into Development Environment
cd ~/dexoryhome/auto-exercise
ade start --update
ade enter
Step 3: Replace the dex_ws to dex_sugun_ws
cd auto-exercise
rm -rf dex_ws
git clone https://github.com/SaiSugunSegu/dex_sugun_ws.git
cd dex_sugun_ws
colcon build --symlink-install
source install/setup.bash
ros2 launch dex_bringup tb3_simulation_launch.py
When you run the launch file, Rviz window will be poped up, with Turtlebot Localized in Gazebo world map.
- Give a Nav2_goal pose.
- Turtlebot should be able to reach Goal pose with given features mentioned in Assignment.
Note: Please find more about algorithm and implementation in readme.md