A posting blog created using flask
This project was done with python3.6 in a virtual environment using pipenv. I recommend using pipenv to run the project, so you can get the same versions as me for each library. The site has a working log in/register system and a posting option for each user. Also each user can see others's profile and posts. Before you change some code you should run and play with the site a little for a better understanding.
Also an important thing to mention is that you have to change this with an account of gmail, otherwise the changing password mail will
not be send:
app.config['MAIL_USERNAME'] = '[email protected]'
app.config['MAIL_PASSWORD'] = 'yourpassword'
Future work:
- shortcuts on sidebar
- friends list system
Also the HTML code and CSS code is mostly copied from: https://github.com/CoreyMSchafer/code_snippets/tree/master/Python/Flask_Blog, all copyrights reserved to Corey Schafer.