This is a dashboard for an Escape the Room game created by the CoRE (Computers, Robotics, and Engineering) Learning community at Binghamton University. It was used to interactive with players in the room as well as provide hints and tell the story of the game.
You are in an intern in Binghamton Unviersity's nuclear powerplant. All the senior engineers are on lunch break when you and your team of interns were trapped inside the control room. Someone has hacked into the systems and has shut down all power. You must stop the nuclear powerplant from exploding by stabilizing all systems and restoring power to the entire facility. Only once all power has been restored may the interns escape from the room. The only way to get safely back home is to solve puzzles and manually restart the power. Time is running out, you only have 30 minutes.
Please complete the following steps:
If you have not already, install Python.
You can go to and download Python 3.6.3.
Once you install python you need to install pygame.
You can do this by running the following command on your terminal
$ python3 -m pip install pygame
$ pip install image
Download the zip of this repo by pressing the the green "clone or download"
green button on this page.
You can also run the command git clone
with this URL to download the repo as well.
Go back to your terminal and execute the command cd escape_the_room
Then execute the command, python3
to run the program.
$ cd escape_the_room
$ python3
Command | Description |
Control + b | Starts the game by turning on the timer |
Control + h | Toggle the hint window |
Control + 1 | Turn on fuel labels |
Control + 2 | Turn on generator labels |
Control + 3 | Turn on steam labels |
Control + 4 | Turn on water labels |
Control + 5 | Set background to all green labels |
Control + 9 | Set background to all black and clear any existing labels |
Control + 0 | Set background to all red labels |
Control + r | Resets the clock |
Control + s | Stops the clock |
- Samantha Kustin
- Adam Nieto
- 2017: Lost in Space -
- 2016: Edgar Allan Poe -