Think Stats
Think Bayes. Bayesian Statistics Made Simple
Think Python
DEEP LEARNING Introducción práctica con Keras de Jordi Torres
Deep Learning. MIT press
An Introduction to Statistical Learning also with videos from every chapter of the book.
Foundations of Machine Learning - MIT Press
Neural Networks and Deep Learning
Hands-on Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn, Keras, and TensorFlow
Forecasting: Principles and Practice
Machine Learning for Everyone.
Learn TensorFlow 1: The "Hello World" of machine learning.
Supervised Machine Learning Algorithms.
Understanding LSTM Networks.
Time Series Forecasting with LSTMs using TensorFlow 2 and Keras in Python.
Machine Learning with Scikit-learn.
Standford Machine Learning.
Udacity Introduction to Tensor Flow for Deep Learning.
Google Introduction to Machine Learning Problem Framing.
Google Machine Learning Crash Course.
Enterprise Deep Learning with TensorFlow.
Tensor Flow 2.0 Complete Course from Tim Ruscica
Keras Deep Learning Neural Networks Course from Deeplizard