This project aims at building a time series model to create an hourly forecast of temperature for a retail store. The Store’s analysts believe that extreme outdoor temperatures may affect the sales of the main retail store in Harrisburg,PA; They want a forecast of these temperatures to help them further evaluate this claim.
The R script includes code for the following visualizations and models-
- Time series decomposition
- Plotting of the temperature series as a time series object
- Fitting a trend line on the time series plot
- Calculation of a seasonally adjusted data
- Plotting seasonally adjusted values on the time series plot
- Building a Single Exponential Smoothing Model
- Building a Linear Expotential Smoothing Model
- Building a Damped Trend Model
- Building a Holt-Winters ESM
- Building a Holt-Winters ESM- Multiplicative
- Checking Accuracy Statistics on the test dataset
A retail store wants to build a weekly sales forecast model for two of its stores in - Phoenix and Tucson, AZ
The R script includes code for the following visualizations and models-
- Creating time series object and plotting it
- Building Linear Expotential Smoothing Model for both Tucson and Pheonix
- Calculating Mean Absolute Percentage Error
- Checking Stationarity through plots
- Building Autoregressive Models for Tucson and Pheonix
- ACF and PACF plots of residuals
- White noise Tests and plots
- Forecasting sales
- Checking Accuracy on the validation dataset