🛡️ Simple Text Encryption and Decryption Tool 🛡️
📜 Description
This is a Python-based GUI tool designed to provide a simple way to encrypt and decrypt text. Utilizing the power of the cryptography library for secure encryption and decryption, and tkinter for a user-friendly interface, this tool ensures your text is safely encrypted and easy to decrypt with the same key.
🌟 Features
🔐 Encrypts text securely.
🔓 Decrypts text using the same encryption key.
🖥️ Simple GUI for user interaction.
📋 Copy functionality for easy sharing.
🛠️ Technologies Used
Python 3.8+
tkinter for the graphical user interface
cryptography for encryption and decryption
🚀 How to Use
git clone https://github.com/Satyampathania/encryption-decryption-tool.git
cd encryption-decryption-tool
Install Dependencies:
pip install cryptography
Run the Script:
python encrypt_decrypt_tool.py
Follow the GUI Instructions:
Choose to encrypt or decrypt the text.
Enter the text.
Copy the result to the clipboard.
📷 Screenshots
📝 License
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.
🙌 Acknowledgements
Thanks to the cryptography team for their excellent library.
Thanks to the Python community for continuous support and resources.
📫 Connect with Me
LinkedIn: Satyam Pathania https://www.linkedin.com/in/satyam-pathania/
GitHub: Satyampathania