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R package ScPoApps

This is the git repo for undergraduate Econometrics Apps at SciencesPo.

Book? If you are looking for the book, that's in the ScPoEconometrics repo.

Slides? If you are looking for the slides, they are in the ScPoEconometrics-Slides repo.


  1. Status
  2. Usage and Installation
  3. How to Contribute
  4. License and Copyright


Tests on MacOS and Linux: Build Status

Tests on Windows: Build status

Usage and Installation

In order to participate in the course and to use the course material, you need to

  1. install R: download for free at
  2. install the RStudio IDE at
  3. We recommend to use our code exclusively via RStudio.
  4. install this R package in your computer. To do so, just copy and paste those lines into your RStudio console:
if (!require(devtools)) {install.packages("devtools"); library(devtools)}
install_github(repo = "ScPoEcon/ScPoApps")

Shiny Apps

A key part of this course are a series of interactive applications (or apps) that we developed with the shiny framework. You launch the apps from a running R session on your computer. The app will run in your web browser. You launch an app like this from R:

library(ScPoApps)   # load our library
launchApp('SSR_cone')       # runs the `SSR_cone` app in browser

launchApp()                 # no arg produces an error that shows all available apps
Error: Please run `launchApp()` with a valid app as an argument.
Valid apps are: 'anscombe', 'confidence_intervals', 'corr_continuous', 
'datasaurus', 'reg_constrained', 'reg_dummy', 'reg_dummy_example', 
'reg_full', 'reg_multivariate', 'reg_simple', 'reg_standardized', 
'sampling', 'SSR_cone', 'standard_errors_changeN', 'standard_errors_simple'

Here is a screenshot of the SSR_cone app:



In order to run the accompanying tutorials you would type, for example:


Contribution Workflow - Developers only!

This section is only for people who want to contribute code to this project.

  1. fork this repository
  2. clone your fork to your computer: git clone url_of_your_fork
  3. Start to work on your things on a new branch: git checkout -b new_branch
  4. commit your work to that new branch!
  5. Place your new stuff on top of the most recent upstream/master:
    1. add the upstream repo as a remote: git remote add upstream [email protected]:ScPoEcon/ScPoEconometrics.git
    2. Use the rebase command
    # git add your stuff
    # git commit your stuff
    git fetch upstream   # get stuff from upstream
    git rebase upstream/master  # merge upstream master and put your commits on top of it
  6. push that branch to your fork: git push origin new_branch
  7. create pull request on upstream (from your fork at


This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License

You are free to:

  • Share — copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format
  • Adapt — remix, transform, and build upon the material

under the following terms:

  1. Attribution — You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use.
  2. NonCommercial — You may not use the material for commercial purposes.
  3. ShareAlike — If you remix, transform, or build upon the material, you must distribute your contributions under the same license as the original.