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Webservice API Documentation

ChrizZz110 edited this page May 21, 2016 · 1 revision

Webservice - API Documentation

This is the documentation of OSTMap's webservice.

Search tweets by token and fields

Path: /api/tokensearch

HTTP-Method: GET

Query-Parameters (all required):

  • field : a comma seperated list of json fields to search in

  • token: the token to search for

Example: http://localhost:8080/api/tokensearch?field=user,text&token=yolo


  • content-type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
  • content: a json array containing matched tweets as json object, one per line

Search tweets by geographical bounding box and time period

Path: /api/geotemporalsearch

HTTP-Method: GET

Query-Parameters (all required):

  • bbnorth : the northern latitude for the bounding box to search

  • bbsouth: the southern latitude for the bounding box to search

  • bbeast : the eastern longitude for the bounding box to search

  • bbwest: the western longitude for the bounding box to search

  • tstart : the start point of the search time period in s (unix time)

  • tend: the end point of the search time period in s (unix time)

Example: http://localhost:8080/api/geotemporalsearch?bbnorth=10.123&bbsouth=-10.456&bbeast=-30.789&bbwest=30.123&tstart=1461942000000&tend=1461967200000


  • content-type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
  • content: a json array containing matched tweets as json object, one per line