Just throwing some academic papers at the GPU to see what sticks. The goal is to have a tool to generate and render beautiful natural landscapes.
Current state: Alpha
- The lighting model is Lambertian diffusion with a static sun vector, the colors code-defined. It's basically the simplest hacked-together renderer imaginable.
- The environment model is trivial.
- There is terrain generated from Perlin noise.
- There is flowing water with rain and a fountain as a source.
- The simulation code is not optimized one bit.
Requirements: pip install panda3d Jinja2
For this project itself... Clone the repo and addit to your virtualenv, I guess? I haven't packaged anything yet.
python main.py
There are several options, documented in python main.py -h
The turbulence in frame time (globalClock.dt
in Panda3D) introduces
turbulence in the simulation, so if you want a simulation that converges
on a mostly steady state, it is recommended to set the timestep to
approximate your framerate (assuming that you are running at a
resolution at which the simulation reaches realtime performance), e.g.
python main.py -t 0.01666
for 60 frames per second.
- Hypermodel
: Whether the edges of the simulation are...OPEN
: Water flows over the edge as if the terrain and water heights were0.0
beyond it.CLOSED
: No water flows beyond the edge.WRAPPING
: Water flowing out of one edge of the map gets added on the opposite edge.
- Map Data
: Height of the terrainwater_height
: Current height of the waterwater_influx
: Water influx rate water column to simulate e.g. rain, or fountains. Values are the water column added per second.
- Intermediate Maps
- r to -u
- g to +u
- b to -v
- a to +v
- r along u
- g along v
: Surface normals in GLSL encoding.water_normal_map
: Surface normals in GLSL encoding.
- Scalar model parameters
: Distance between centers of neighboring cells; Default1.0
:gravity g * pipe cross area A / pipe length l
; Default98.1
(Earth gravity9.81 m/s**2
, pipe cross area10 m**2
: Percentage of water that would evaporate in one second if the amount of evaporation was constant.0.0
for no evaporation. Default0.05
- Frame parameters
: time step. The amount of time for which the simulation will be advanced.
- Process
- Influx of water: Add new water to the simulation.
water_height_after_influx = water_height + water_influx * dt
- Calculate outflux
For each direction/channel:
water_outflux = current_outflux + height_difference * hight_difference * pipe_coefficient * dt
, lower border of0.0
. If the amount of outflowing water is greater than that of water actually present in this cell, scale the outflux so that exactly zero water remains. - Crossflux of water
water_height_after_crossflux = water_height_after_influx - own water_crossflux + neighbors' water_crossflux to this cell
- Evaporate water: Remove a fraction of water from each cell.
water_height_after_evaporation = water_height_after_crossflux * (1 - evaporation_constant * dt)
- Update main data
waterHeight = waterHeightAfterEvaporation
- Influx of water: Add new water to the simulation.
- Bug: Why is water leaking out of a CLOSED/WRAPPING simulation?
- Simulation model
- Step: Lateral sediment transport
- Boundary conditions: Erosion is pretty whack at boundaries.
- Steps: Sum up total terrain / water (to analyze the above bug).
- Aesthetics
- Specular highlights
- Fake SSS based on water depth
- Aesthetics
- Water
- Side walls on closed/wrapped boundary
- Waterfall on open boundary
- Terrain
- Side walls
- Water
- Hyper parameters
- Initial data
- Zero (current)
- Generator shaders
- Loaded images
- Initial data
- Simulation model
- More papers
- Performance
- Measure, and find the maximum simulation size / optimal workgroup
size for realtime.
- Requires: Make workgroup size a hyper parameter
- Optimizations
- Combine shaders into one
- Instead of using array, use vector/matrix.
- set up
array for the work group that is 2 elements larger than the workgroup, making a one-element border around it. Preload global data into it, and do math. Write output back into global. - Red/Black mode
- Measure, and find the maximum simulation size / optimal workgroup
size for realtime.
- Loading/saving simulations / dumping images
- Offline rendering, sidestepping the vsync limit
- Tiled simulation for offline rendering of super-large worlds
- Inflow map: R=inflow measured in height of water column, G=inflow by volume
- Outflow clamp map: Finer control over where and how boundary conditions occur.
- "Fast Hydraulic Erosion Simulation and Visualization on GPU": https://xing-mei.github.io/files/erosion.pdf
- Overview
- Influx of water
- Calculating the pressure-based outflux from each cell to its neighbors
- Update water height
- Calculate water velocity
- Erode material from terrain into water, or deposit it
- Transport sediment through water flow
- Evaporate water
- Implementation
- DONE: Increase water
- DONE: Compute outflux flow; We treat neighboring cells as if they were connected by pipes.
- DONE: Update water surface
- DONE: Update velocity field
- DONE: Erosion-deposition
- Transport sediment new suspended sediment amount = s1 at position - uv * dt, interpolating the four nearest neighbors
- DONE: Evaporate water
- Overview
- "Fast Hydraulic and Thermal Erosion on GPU": http://diglib.eg.org/bitstream/handle/10.2312/EG2011.short.057-060/057-060.pdf?sequence=1
- "Hydraulic Erosion Simulation on the GPU for 3D terrains": https://www.diva-portal.org/smash/get/diva2:1646074/FULLTEXT01.pdf
- "Large Scale Terrain Generation from Tectonic Uplift and Fluvial Erosion": https://inria.hal.science/hal-01262376/document
- "Procedural Modeling of the Great Barrier Reef": https://easychair.org/publications/preprint_download/qLmc
- "Desertscape Simulation": https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Axel-Paris/publication/335488341_Desertscape_Simulation/links/5db7f667a6fdcc2128e8d1d9/Desertscape-Simulation.pdf Adds a sand layer and a vegetation layer. Reproduces realistic dune formations.
- "Procedural Generation of Large-Scale Forests Using a Graph-Based Neutral Landscape Model": https://media.proquest.com/media/hms/PFT/1/Ijdn4?_s=ANyDa8athS4X9z8tNeVbdzsdiSQ%3D First skim: Segments a grip-based landscape into patches of wood species growth.
- "AutoBiomes: procedural generation of multi-biome landscapes": https://d-nb.info/121797170X/34 Uses a climate simulation, then derives biomes from the results.
- "Efficient Animation of Water Flow on Irregular Terrains": http://www-cg.cis.iwate-u.ac.jp/lab/graphite06.pdf
- "Forming Terrains by Glacial Erosion": https://inria.hal.science/hal-04090644/file/Sigg23_Glacial_Erosion__author.pdf
- "Interactive Generation of Time-evolving, Snow-Covered Landscapes with Avalanches": https://inria.hal.science/hal-01736971/file/interactive-generation-time.pdf
- "Waterfall Simulation with Spray Cloud in different Environments": https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/artsci/15/3/15_111/_pdf
- "Interactive Procedural Modelling of Coherent Waterfall Scenes": https://inria.hal.science/hal-01095858/file/waterfall.pdf
- "Slab and Powder-Snow avalanche animation on the GPU": https://bth.diva-portal.org/smash/get/diva2:1606730/FULLTEXT02.pdf