This provides source lines of code documentation between git commits.
usage: git_cloc [-h] [commit1] [commit2]
This will produce a table comparing the adds/removes/modifies on the
difference between two commits. The commits can be any normal git hash
descriptor such as: branch names, tag names, commit values, relative commits,
positional arguments:
commit1 The base commit to compare against. If no commits are provided,
then HEAD will be compared to its merge-base with master.
commit2 The commit to compare against the base commit. If omitted, then
commit1 will be compared against master.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
In some bin directory in your $PATH
ln -s $PATH_TO_GIT_CLOC/git_cloc git_cloc
Either in /etc/bash_completion.d/*.sh
, ~/.bashrc
, or ~/.bash_aliases
, ensure that your shell will autocomplete your binary:
eval "$(register-python-argcomplete git_cloc)"
NOTE: Global autocompletion from argcomplete
may work, but has not been tested.
- This uses Python 2.7 with the following modules:
- Options to install:
pip install MODULE_NAME
sudo apt install python-MODULE_NAME
- It makes use of the
project which can be cloned from This must contain at least commit
. - It assumes that the
command is visible in the execution path.
- This must contain at least commit