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2. Features

Naitbobbes edited this page Mar 21, 2018 · 12 revisions

1. Navigation

The app can be navigated via its navigation drawer. There can be reached all important functions. In the following sections the navigation points will be described in more detail.

All tasks

The navigation point "All tasks" is the main view of the app. It will display all created tasks to the user. If no tasks are created, this view will provide some hints about how to create either a list or a task. A task can be created by clicking the floating action button on the bottom right. This will open a dialog where the task can be defined. To create a list, the user has to click on the + button in the toolbar at the top. The lists will be displayed and accessable inside the navigation drawer.


"Calendar" displays a calendar showing the month and days in a calendar grid view. Months can be navigated by clicking on the arrow symbols next to the current month. The current date is highlighted in blue. Dates where deadlines of a task occur are marked by framed days (red if undone, green if done). Clicking on a framed day will display corresponding tasks.


The recycler catches deleted tasks. The recycler can be cleared by clicking the recycler symbol in the toolbar at the top. This will ask for the users confirmation. A long click on a task let users restore the task.


This navigation point will open the initial tutorial of the privacy friendly ToDo-List. This shows general information how to use the app and can also be skipped to return to the main view.


Opens the settings to the app. There you can configure:

  • a reminder for deadlines,
  • enable notification sound,
  • set a PIN that will always be asked when the user returns to the main view
  • and if the task-progress is dependend on the number of done subtaks.


Provides all kinds of information that are useful for a user:

  • Gerneral information
  • Managing of tasks
  • Settings information
  • Privacy information
  • Widget information


Displays development and license information.

2. Tasks and lists

This section will describe how to operate tasks and their views.


A task item shows a checkbox indicating if a task is done, the title of a task, its deadline and a progressbar. Users can expand a task by simply clicking on it. This will show more information such as a description and subtasks. Furthermore subtasks can be added here. If a task is checked to be done or undone the app will display a snackbar on the bottom to redo the action.

Filter tasks

In the toolbar is a simple menu where it can be chosen which tasks should be displayed:

  • All tasks
  • Undone tasks
  • Done tasks
  • Group by priority
  • Sort by deadline

These filters work regardless of a user being inside a certain list or in "All tasks". Additionally the user can search for a task using the search symbol that is also located in the toolbar.

Longclick on a task

A longclick on a task allows to edit and delete a task. The task edit dialog matches the creation dialog, where the currently definded properties of a task are already set (list, priority ...). If a task is deleted, a snackbar appears on the bottom and the action can be undone.


Lists are located inside the navigationdrawer and can be deleted by clicking on the recycler button on the right side. This will ask for the users confirmation that the list should be really deleted from the database. The corresponding tasks will be catched by the recycler.

3. Widget

This app has a widget that can be added to the homescreen. This widget lets the user choose the list of which the tasks will be displayed in the widget. Clicking on the tasks or checkbox of a widget openes the main view of ToDo List. A refresh button on the upper right corner updates the widget.