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Software (en)

Jannik edited this page Jul 30, 2017 · 2 revisions


This are the instructions to install all needed programs on raspbian and a ready for use ActionPi software. There are several additional hardware parts needed, make sure you haven't forgot anything.

with the build script and an internet connection

  1. set up a new raspbian lite image

  2. install the following programs
    sudo apt-get install usbmount geany cmake imagemagick fbi i2c-tools gpac

  3. now download the ActionPi Software and unzip it
    cd /home/pi/Downloads/
    wget -O

  4. execute the build script and the ActionPi and all needed libraries software will be installed
    cd ActionPi-master/

with the build script and no internet connection

  1. set up a new raspbian lite image

  2. install the following programs
    sudo apt-get install usbmount geany cmake imagemagick fbi i2c-tools gpac

  3. now download or copy the ActionPi Software and unzip it
    cd /home/pi/Downloads/
    wget -O
    or copy the file in your downloads directory

  4. execute the build script and the ActionPi and all needed libraries software will be installed
    cd ActionPi_install_offline/

manual installation

will be done soon

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