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A framework for building user interfaces for semantic portals.

The following research prototype portals use this repository as a base:

  1. NameSampo
  2. Mapping Manuscript Migrations
  3. WarVictimSampo 1914–1922
  4. LawSampo
  5. AcademySampo
  6. FindSampo
  7. HistorySampo
  8. LetterSampo
  9. Hellerau
  10. ParliamentSampo
  11. WarMemoirSampo
  12. WarSampo analyzer
  13. ArtSampo
  14. Constellations of Correspondence
  15. BookSampo

An example deployment generated from this repository is published at It combines perspectives from the Mapping Manuscript Migrations and NameSampo portals, and can be used for testing and as a starting point for developing new portals.

The Sampo-UI framework is being developed by the Semantic Computing Research Group (SeCo) at the Aalto University, Finland. See the research page for more information plus instructions and tutorials.

Design philosophy

Sampo-UI offers a comprehensive "starting base" of a full stack JavaScript web application. Therefore it is not possible to include Sampo-UI as separate component into an existing application. The most convenient way to build a new user interface using Sampo-UI is to read the documentation provided below, fork this repository, and start developing from there.


Note for Linux users: if your home directory is mounted from a network drive, using the Node Version Manager for installing Node.js highly recommended.


Local development

Install the dependencies specified in package.json (this command needs to be run only once, as long as you don't modify the dependencies):

npm install

Run client and server concurrently:

npm run dev

Deploy with Docker

These example commands can be used to deploy the server at http://localhost:3006/ in production mode. Production mode means in this case that the server listens for API requests at URLs beginning with http://localhost:3006/api/v1/... and additionally serves the client (React app) at http://localhost:3006/. The API docs can be found at http://localhost:3006/api-docs/.

Note that in development mode Webpack is used for serving the client, and the server is used only for handling API requests.

The build argument API_URL must be provided.


docker build --build-arg API_URL=http://localhost:3006/api/v1 -t sampo-web-app-image .


docker run -d -p 3006:3001 --name sampo-web-app sampo-web-app-image

Run with password protected endpoint

docker run -d -p 3006:3001 -e SPARQL_ENDPOINT_BASIC_AUTH=your_password --name sampo-web-app sampo-web-app-image


docker build --build-arg API_URL=http://localhost:3006/api/v1 -t sampo-web-app-image .
docker stop sampo-web-app
docker rm sampo-web-app
docker run -d -p 3006:3001 --name sampo-web-app sampo-web-app-image

Developer guide

Coding style

The JavaScript style guide, linter, and formatter module (named "standard" in package.json) is installed by default as development dependency. Do not install or create any additional style definitions or configurations. Instead, install an appropriate plugin for your text editor. If there are no plugins available for your favorite editor, it is highly recommended to switch into a supported editor.



Sampo-UI's React components are documented here using Storybook.

Here is a list of the main JavaScript libraries on which the Sampo-UI client is built on:


The API provided by Sampo-UI's backend includes routes for the following search paradigms: faceted search, full text search, and federated full text or spatial search. The API is described using the OpenAPI Specification. The same specification is used for both documenting the API, and validating the API requests and responses.

An API documentation with example configuration can been seen here.

Sampo-UI's backend is based on the following JavaScript libraries:

Extra: forking into the same organization account

In GitHub it's not possible to fork an organization's repository to that same organization. If a new repository needs to be created using the SemanticComputing organization account, here is an alternative workflow for forking:

  1. Clone this repository: git clone [email protected]:SemanticComputing/sampo-ui.git

  2. Set up a new GitHub repository. Do not initialize it with anything. It needs to be an empty repository. You can name it how you like and you can rename your local folder to match that.

  3. Copy the url of your new repository.

  4. With terminal go to the folder with the clone of this repository (sampo-ui).

  5. Change remote origin from sampo-ui to your new repository: git remote set-url origin [your new github repo here]

  6. Check that the origin changed to your new repository: git remote -v

  7. Push your local clone of sampo-ui to your new repository: git push

  8. Set sampo-ui as the upstream of your new repository: git remote add upstream [email protected]:SemanticComputing/sampo-ui.git

  9. When new commits appear on the sampo-ui repository you can fetch them to your new repository. The example fetches only master branch: git fetch upstream master

  10. Go to the branch of your new repository where you want to merge the changes in upstream. Merge, solve conflicts and enjoy: git merge upstream/master