✅A simple script for notification SSH access, exits and entries to the Server✅
Telegram Notifications on SSH Logins
Search for the user "botfather". https://t.me/BotFather We create a new bot by sending "botfather" the following message: /newbot "botfather" will ask for the name of the bot.
Now, search for the newly created bot in your Telegram contacts. Next, start the bot by clicking on start or sending the message:
Next, open Postman or your Browser to the address shown below. Replace "TOKEN" with the token you got from "botfather" in the previous step:
Write down the row of numbers coming after "id". This is our "Telegram_id" and will be needed in the next step.
sudo mkdir /etc/pam.scripts
Save this script in or other place /etc/pam.scripts/login-notification.sh
HOSTNAME=$(hostname -f)
DATE="$(date +"%d.%b.%Y -- %H:%M")"
MESSAGE="�Raspberry SSH
User: $PAM_USER açao: $PAM_TYPE
curl -s -X POST $URL -d chat_id=$ID -d text="$MESSAGE" -d parse_mode='HTML' 2>&1 /dev/null
exit 0
Make the script executable this comand:
sudo chmod +x /etc/pam.scripts/login-notification.sh
Edit file sudo or nano vi /etc/pam.d/sshd
and add the following to the end:
# SSH Alert script
session required pam_exec.so /etc/pam.scripts/login-notification.sh
This will trigger the script every login and every logout and you will get notified by telegram about ssh logins.
├───📄 README.md
├───📄 image.png
└───📄 ssh-logo.png\
This repository is a personal backup, as I made some changes to the code I thought it would be better.
Credits are cited and maintained
Big hug.