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LucileDT edited this page Jun 26, 2017 · 14 revisions

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ℹ️ You can set up an instance of the calendar in various way, each one appealing to a different skill level and use case. Read through to see what suits your particular needs.

⚠️ commands are given for Ubuntu, they may not be appropriate for all Linux distributions. If one of them doesn't work, feel free to search with your favourite search engine how to do the described step with your own distribution.


Install with Bower

Step 1 : Install NodeJS

e.G. for Ubuntu

sudo apt-get install nodejs

Step 2 : Install NPM

e.G. for Ubuntu

sudo apt-get install npm

Step 3 : Install Bower

e.G. for Ubuntu

sudo npm install -g bower

ℹ️ if you encounter the error /usr/bin/env: node: No such file or directory, please, follow this link: node: No such file or directory 🔗.

Step 4 : Install Bootstrap Calendar

e.G. for Ubuntu

cd /path/to/the/wanted/location
bower install bootstrap-calendar

Step 5 : List files you need to include in your document

e.G. for Ubuntu

bower list --path


Install with Composer




Step 1 : Include files in your document


<!DOCTYPE html>
        <meta charset="UTF-8" />
        <!-- ******************************* -->
        <!-- ************ jQuery *********** -->
        <!-- ******************************* -->
        <script src="/path/to/bower_components/jquery/dist/jquery.js"></script>

        <!-- ******************************* -->
        <!-- ********** Bootstrap ********** -->
        <!-- ******************************* -->
        <!-- ****** depends on jQuery ****** -->
        <!-- ******************************* -->
        <script src="/path/to/bower_components/bootstrap/dist/js/bootstrap.js"></script>

        <!-- ******************************* -->
        <!-- ********* Underscore ********** -->
        <!-- ******************************* -->
        <script type="text/javascript" src="/path/to/bower_components/underscore/underscore.js"></script>

        <!-- ******************************* -->
        <!-- *********** Moment ************ -->
        <!-- ******************************* -->
    	<script type="text/javascript" src="/path/to/bower_components/moment/moment.js"></script>

        <!-- ******************************* -->
        <!-- ********** Calendar *********** -->
        <!-- ******************************* -->
        <!-- **** depends on Underscore **** -->
        <!-- ****** depends on Moment ****** -->
        <!-- ******************************* -->
        <link rel="stylesheet" href="/path/to/bower_components/bootstrap-calendar/css/calendar.css">
    	<script type="text/javascript" src="/path/to/bower_components/bootstrap-calendar/js/calendar.js"></script>

Step 2 : Render the default calendar


    <div id="calendar"></div>

    <script type="text/javascript">
        var calendar = $('#calendar').calendar({
            events_source: [
                    "id": 1,
                    "title": "Event 1",
                    "url": "",
                    "class": "event-important",
                    "start": moment().valueOf(), // Now in milliseconds
                    "end": moment().add(2, 'days').valueOf() // Now + 2 days in milliseconds
                    "id": 2,
                    "title": "Event 2",
                    "url": "",
                    "class": "event-default",
                    "start": moment().add(1, 'days').valueOf(), // Now + 1 day in milliseconds
                    "end": moment().add(3, 'days').valueOf() // Now + 3 days in milliseconds
            tmpl_path: "/path/to/bower_components/bootstrap-calendar/calendar/tmpls/"

⚠️ Be sure to set the path to templates using tmpl_path option.

⚠️ Bootstrap Calendar works only with web paths, not locals ones. Be sure to use a web server (Apache, nginx, PHP built-in server, Symfony built-in server...) if you want to use it.

Step 3 : Check if it works

Go to your favourite web browser and check your page. It should display the default calendar:

Default calendar in your web browser

ℹ️ If the calendar does not work, please open the browser console by tapping F12 to see what's the problem and check the common errors page.

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