Just an updated version of passwds.ninja for use when you need a password quickly and without fuss.
Nothing fancy - just a website for passwords at pass.insecure.co.nz
Password Length and complexity tweaked to accomodate newer password lengths
atoponce commit 422742e57909e8cb60cc0a27f0f1c25f5fbdfbba
function unbiasedRandom(size) {
var min;
var rand = new Uint32Array(1);
const mycrypto = window.crypto || window.msCrypto;
size >>>= 0; // ensure `size' is a 32-bit integer
// force the range of [`min', 2**32) to be a multiple of `size'
min = (-size >>> 0) % size;
do { mycrypto.getRandomValues(rand); } while (rand[0] < min);
return rand[0] % size;
password += possible.charAt(unbiasedRandom(possible.length));
mir123 commit fc2448431ffa47296e7990fca79e61fbf7ef211b and 0c4e9a05da5073e49e586c212dd1a9a6c7ef57c0
chars['l'] = 'yyuuuoooooooiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaayyuuuoooooooiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaabbbcccccddddddddffffgggghhhhhhhhhhhhjkkllllllllmmmmnnnnnnnnnnnnppppqrrrrrrrrrrssssssssssssttttttttttttttttttvvwwwwxyyyyz';
chars['v'] = 'yyuuu0oooooo1iiiiii3eeeeeeeeeee4aaaaaaayyuuuoooooooiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaa'
chars['c'] = 'bbbcccccddddddddffffgggghhhhhhhhhhhhjkkllllllllmmmmnnnnnnnnnnnnppppqrrrrrrrrrrssssssssssssttttttttttttttttttvvwwwwxyyyyz';
Allow for the following arguments to be supplied
- n [int] number of passwords to be generates (10 - 100)
- f [str] new format (will also adjust the length of the passwords)
- l = a-z
- U = A-Z
- v = lower vowels
- V = upper vowels
- c = lower consonants
- C = upper consonants
- 9 = 0-9
- # - Special chars
- a - lower vowels including numbers
- A - upper vowels including numbers
example password: "Hatjan77"
example password: "hBwUeZh00@ 46T"
These are ignored if invalid or if the password format is shorter than 12 chars
- CSS formatting