#NFT Event Bot A Discord bot that sends a message when a new event occurs on a specific NFT collection.
- Clone this repository
- Install dependencies: npm install
- Create a new Discord bot: https://discord.com/developers/applications
- Copy the bot token.
- Replace the YOUR_BOT_TOKEN placeholder in index.js with your bot token.
- Replace the nftAddress and nftAbi constants in index.js with the address and ABI of your NFT collection contract.
- Replace the Infura websocket provider URL with your own Infura project ID.
- Start the bot: npm start
- In a Discord server, send the command !listen in the channel where you want to receive NFT event notifications.
- The bot will now listen for new transfer events on the specified NFT collection and send a message to the channel whenever a new transfer event is detected.
#License This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.