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Codeship Status for Tiqa/redux-polyglot

Toolset (actions, reducer, middleware, enhancer, selectors) to help use Polyglot with Redux.


    npm install --save redux-polyglot


First of all, you need the polyglot reducer in your rootReducer :

import { createStore, combineReducers } from 'redux';
import { polyglotReducer } from 'redux-polyglot';

const rootReducer = combineReducers({
    polyglot: polyglotReducer,
const store = createStore(rootReducer, {});


Set the language

without middleware

You can use redux-polyglot without his middleware, for this you need the setLanguage() action creator :

  • setLanguage :: (String, Object) -> Action


import { setLanguage } from 'redux-polyglot';

store.dispatch(setLanguage('en', { yolo: 'yolo' }));

second parameter should be polyglot phrases (see polyglot documentation)

note: if language phrases already exists, this will overwrite the corresponding object state.

with middleware

The createPolyglotMiddleware() function allow you to automatically update language and phrases by listening to specific action(s).

The middleware catches specific action(s), and find the locale in the payload, and then [asynchronously] load the polyglot phrases (with Promise).

It takes 3 parameters and return a middleware :

  • 1 - actionToCatch :: String | Array<String>
    • the type(s) of the action to catch
  • 2 - getLocale :: Object -> String
    • a function that take the catched action as parameter and return new language.
  • 3 - getPhrases :: String -> Promise Object
    • a function that take the language (as provided by setLocale) and return a Promise of Object ( Object should be polyglot phrases )

the middleware will catch actionToCatch

import { createStore, combineReducers, applyMiddleware } from 'redux';

const polyglotMiddleware = createPolyglotMiddleware(
    action => action.payload.locale,
    locale => new Promise(resolve => {
        // perform async here
            hello: 'bonjour',

const store = createStore(rootReducer, {}, applyMiddleware(polyglotMiddleware));

you can catch more than one action passing an array of action types:

const polyglotMiddleware = createPolyglotMiddleware(

note: if language has not changed, nothing happens.


with getP() selector

You can use the getP(state) selector.

It returns an object with 4 functions inside :

  • t: String -> String : translation (the original polyglot t function)
  • tc: String -> String : translation capitalized
  • tt: String -> String : translation titleized
  • tu: String -> String : translation upper-cased
  • tm: (String -> String) -> String -> String : translation using a custom morphism

(see polyglot documentation)

there is an optional parameter to getP(). this is allow you to automatically 'aim' a scope in your phrases object using polyglotScope property.

for example :

store.dispatch(setLanguage('en', {
    some: { nested: { data: { hello: 'hello' } } }
const p = getP(store.getState(), { polyglotScope: '' });
console.log('hello')) // => will return 'Hello'

Getting current locale

getLocale(state) selector returns current language.

If you use React

You can use connect() from react-redux, and the getP() selector, to get the p prop in your component.


p: PropTypes.shape({
    t: PropTypes.func.isRequired,
    tc: PropTypes.func.isRequired,
    tu: PropTypes.func.isRequired,
    tm: PropTypes.func.isRequired,
translate() enhancer

props.p can be also be provided easily to a component with the translate enhancer :

import translate from 'redux-polyglot/translate';
const DummyComponentWithPProps = translate(DummyComponent);

you can select a polyglotScope with translate('scope', Component)

// all this lines return an enhanced Dummy component
translate('catalog', Dummy); // with polyglotScope
translate()(Dummy); // curried
translate('catalog')(Dummy); // curried with polyglotScope.
get locale in a component

You can use the getLocale() selector inside a mapStateToProps from react-redux.

Proptype: locale: PropTypes.string,

Use polyglot options

if you want to use onMissingKey, allowMissing or warn polyglot options, you can use the createGetP function to create a custom getP.

usage :

import { createGetP } from 'redux-polyglot';

const options = {
  allowMissing: true,

export const getP = createGetP(options);


These folks keep the project moving and are resources for help:


Tool for using Polyglot.js with Redux







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