Analysis of machine learning techniques to predict drug consumption from personality traits.
Final project for the Mathematics in Machine Learning exam
Drug consumption dataset:
After an exploratory data analysis (EDA) of the dataset, some data cleaning and data preprocessing steps are performed (feature selection based on correlation analysis, missing/invalid values insertion, feature encoding, standardization, PCA, random undersampling/oversampling, SMOTE).
Four classification models are trained (random forest, K-nearest neighbors, support vector machines, logistic regression), with hyperparameters optimized through grid search via K-fold cross-validation.
The best classification pipeline (standardization + random oversampling + SVM) achieves a sensitivity of 0.817 and a specificity of 0.766
- Drug consumption prediction.ipynb: code for the project (with visualizations and performance evaluation)
- Report.pdf: report for the project (\w results)