Final project for the Data Science Lab exam
In this project, a sentiment analysis task is carried out. A binary classification pipeline is implemented, to detect whether a certain TripAdvisor textual review is a "positive review" or a "negative review".
The development dataset consists of 28754 reviews. The data pipeline includes the following preprocessing steps:
- Removal of non-alphanumeric characters, tokenization, case normalization, stop-words removal (data cleaning & reformatting)
- Stemming (through an Italian-based stemming algorithm)
- Bigrams extraction
- Removal of words/bigrams which are too frequent or too infrequent
- TF-IDF feature extraction
- Oversampling through SMOTE
- Feature selection through ANOVA F-test
Classification performed by a simple Multinomial Naive Bayes classifier on the TF-IDF text representation of each review.
Achieved Weighted F1 score on the evaluation test set: 0.967
- project code
- Report.pdf: final report describing the proposed solution (\w results)
- dataset: contains the two datasets (development and evaluation)