Oira is a flask like dispatcher with the mindset to keep everything simple and avoiding third parties as much as we can.
from oira import RouterController, Endpoint, Application, json, html, setup_jinja, jinja, redirect
from oira.status import forbidden, ok
from oira.static import serve_static
from oira.exceptions import UnauthorizedError
control = RouterController(debug=True, langs=['fa', 'en'])
@control.route(method=['POST', 'GET'], route='/file')
class PostFile(Endpoint):
def post(request, response):
form = request.body
fileitem = form['userfile']
filename = fileitem.filename.replace('\\','/').split('/')[-1].strip()
with open(filename, 'wb') as f:
while True:
data = fileitem.file.read(1024)
if not data:
print('name: ', form['fname'].value)
print('last name: ', form['lname'].value)
print('None', form.getvalue('lnam'))
return "hello"
def get(request, response):
file = serve_static("<path-to-file>", response)
return file
app = Application(control)
gunicorn <path_to_application>:<application>