A Linux ROS C++ Node that wraps the driver API for IDS vision cameras using IDS peak software. Tested on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS and 20.04 LTS.
Supports the set_camera_info service used by the ROS camera_calibration package.
- Install ROS
- Install IDS peak
- Install dependencies:
sudo apt install libqt5core5a libqt5gui5 libqt5widgets5 libqt5quick5 qml-module-qtquick-window2 qml-module-qtquick2 qml-module-qtquick-dialogs qml-module-qtquick-controls qml-module-qtquick-layouts qml-module-qt-labs-settings qml-module-qt-labs-folderlistmodel libusb-1.0-0
- Install package:
sudo dpkg -i ids-peak-<version>-<arch>.deb
- (Fix OpenCV version issue if working on NVIDIA Jetson:
sudo ln -s /usr/include/opencv4/opencv2/ /usr/include/opencv
- Install dependencies:
- Test connection to your camera using
- (Update camera firmware if needed:
ids_deviceupdate -s *<last-four-digits-serialnumber> -U --guf <path-to-guf-file>
- Enable jumboframes for the ethernet interface(s) (e.g.,
) used for your camera(s) by setting MTU to 9000 in your network manager, by editing/etc/network/interfaces
or non-permanent usingip link set dev eth0 mtu 9000
- Increase receive buffer size as recommended in the IDS manual:
sudo /usr/local/scripts/ids_set_receive_buffer_size.sh
- Make sure to adjust
in the.yaml
configuration file according to your desired framerate and available hardware (employing separate network interfaces may be beneficial)
Clone the repository to your Linux computer
Generate a ROS workspace
$ mkdir -p camera_ws/src/
Copy the peak_cam package into your ROS workspace and build it
$ cp -r peak_cam/ camera_ws/src/
$ cd camera_ws/ && catkin_make && source devel/setup.bash
Set parameters such as ROS topic and acquisition rate under
Plug the IDS vision camera and launch the node
$ roslaunch peak_cam peak_cam_node.launch
Stop the node with
(SIGINT) for controlled shutdown
For multiple cameras, create a .launch
and a .yaml
file for each camera.
Hint: Sometimes the cameras are only accesible as root. Try
sudo -s
in your terminal and launch the node again.
To synchronously acquire images from two cameras in a stereo vision setup, you might want to let one camera trigger the other.
Setup the GPIO wiring as proposed by IDS according to the pin layout found in your camera's datasheet (example color coding for GV-5270FA):
Configure the primary (master) camera's
file withLine1Source: "ExposureActive" TriggerSource: "Off"
and the secondary camera's
withLine1Source: "Off" TriggerSource: "Line0"
The cameras can also be triggered by the pulses of external devices such as a lidar sensor.
(Activate the trigger output of your external device, e.g., using the
flag for Ouster lidars as discussed in section 5.2.2 of their software user manual) -
Setup the GPIO wiring in compliance to your hardware, e.g., with an optoisolated open collector sync pulse circuit:
Configure your camera's
files withLine1Source: "Off" TriggerSource: "Line0"
Copyright (c) 2020, Sherif Nekkah, Felix Keppler (Fraunhofer IVI), Johannes Schäfer (Fraunhofer IVI) and Contributors
All rights reserved.
BSD license: see LICENSE file