Database related codes
The codes here are mainly used to set up the analysis part of the database to run
Tools to use can find on our PGG.MHC database web.
After making inferences about each individual using the software described above can combine the results to get the final result. Please note that the selection method is used, so it is possible that your replicating process will produce some different results than the ones we provide.
The file in WGS_summary have test files.
Tools to use can find on our PGG.MHC database web.
After making inferences about each individual using the software described above can combine the results to get the final result. Please note that the selection method is used, so it is possible that your replicating process will produce some different results than the ones we provide.
The file in WES_summary have test files. use SNP2HLA to do the imputation of HLA alleles from genotyping data.
usage: [-h] -f VCF -o OUT -p PREFIX [-x THREADS]
[-w WINDOWSIZE] -v {38,19,18} -r REFERENCE_PANEL
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-f VCF, --vcf VCF vcf file input bgzip and tabix
-o OUT, --out OUT output dir
-p PREFIX, --prefix PREFIX
output prefix
-x THREADS, --threads THREADS
SNP2HLA window_size
-v {38,19,18}, --version {38,19,18}
SNP versions
reference_panel was used to sort out the HLA alleles from the dosage result.
usage: [-h] -d DOSAGE -o OUT -f FAM
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-d DOSAGE, --dosage DOSAGE
dosage results
-o OUT, --out OUT output dir
-f FAM, --fam FAM fam file
For more information ,you can visit: HLA Imputation Instructions
After install PyHLA,The following parameters were used to analyze the association between different controls:
-i INPUT, --input INPUT
-o OUT, --out OUT
-d {2,4,6}, --digit {2,4,6},default 4
-a, --assoc association analysis
-m {allelic,dom,rec,additive}, --model {allelic,dom,rec,additive} genetic model, default allelic
-t {fisher,chisq,logistic,linear}, statistical test method,default fisher
-f FREQ, --freq FREQ minimal frequency, default 0
-j {FDR,FDR_BY,Bonferroni,Holm}, --adjust ,p value correction, default FDR
--digit 4 [Default]
--test fisher [Default]
--model allelic [Default]
--freq 0 [Default]
--adjust FDR [Default]
--out output.txt [Default]
For more information ,you can visit: HLA Association Instructions
SNP2HLA: Xiaoming Jia*, Buhm Han*, Suna Onengut-Gumuscu, Wei-Min Chen, Patrick J. Concannon, Stephen S. Rich, Soumya Raychaudhuri, Paul I.W. de Bakker. "Imputing Amino Acid Polymorphisms in Human Leukocyte Antigenes." PLoS One. 8(6):e64683. 2013.
PyHLA:Yanhui Fan, You-Qiang Song. (2016) PyHLA: tests for association between HLA alleles and diseases. BMC Bioinformatics. 2017. 18:90