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Developer documentation for the api.

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Sending an api request is easy. We use an Amazon style request authorization token to secure each request.

These are the required headers for each request:

  • "User-Agent" - Please identify the system/product you are using to make this request.

  • "X-Auth-Date" - The current unix epoch time as a string. 5 minute window.

  • "X-Auth-Key" - Your API key string.

  • "Authorization" - A SHA-1 hash of the X-Auth-Key, the corresponding key secret and the X-Auth-Date value concatenated as a string.

    The Authorizaton header is computed with something like this (pseudo-code):

    authHeader = sha1(apiKey+apiSecret+unixTime)


Note that all parameters passed should be url encoded where necessary.

These are the endpoints currently supported:

  • Search
    • "/api/1.0/search/byterm" - Pass a search term to look for with ?q=[search terms].

      Example: GET []

      This call returns all of the feeds that match the search terms in the title of the feed.

  • Podcasts
    • "/api/1.0/podcasts/byfeedurl" - Pass a feed url with ?url=[feed url].

      Example: GET []

      This call returns everything we know about the feed.

    • "/api/1.0/podcasts/byfeedid" - Pass a feed id with ?id=[feed id].

      Example: GET []

      This call returns everything we know about the feed.

    • "/api/1.0/podcasts/byitunesid" - Pass an itunes id with ?id=[itunes id].

      Example: GET []

      If we have an itunes id on file for a feed, then this call returns everything we know about that feed.

      • Note: The itunes id parameter can either be the number alone, or be prepended with "id".
    • "/api/1.0/add/byfeedurl" - Pass a feed url with ?url=[feed url].

      Example: GET []

      **This call requires a read-write api key.

      This call adds a podcast to the index using it's feed url. If a feed already exists, you will get it's existing feed id returned.

  • Episodes
    • "/api/1.0/episodes/byfeedurl" - Pass a feed url with ?url=[feed url].

      Example: GET []

      This call returns all the episodes we know about for this feed, in reverse chronological order.

    • "/api/1.0/episodes/byfeedid" - Pass a feed id with ?id=[id].

      Example: GET []

      This call returns all the episodes we know about for this feed, in reverse chronological order.

      • Note: The id parameter is the internal Podcastindex id for this feed.
    • "/api/1.0/episodes/byitunesid" - Pass an itunes id with ?id=[itunes id].

      Example: GET []

      If we have an itunes id on file for a feed, then this call returns all the episodes we know about for the feed, in reverse chronological order.

      • Note: The itunes id parameter can either be the number alone, or be prepended with "id".
  • Recent
    • "/api/1.0/recent/episodes" - Pass the count you want with ?max=[count].

      Optional: excludeString=[url encoded string] - If you pass this argument, any item containing this string will be discarded from the result set. This may, in certain cases, reduce your set size below your "max" value.

      Example: GET []

      This call returns the most recent [max] number of episodes globally across the whole index, in reverse chronological order.

      • Note: If no [max] is specified, the default is 10.
      • Note: The [excludeString] value matches against title and urls.

Return Values

By default, all responses are in JSON format if nothing different is specified. You can ask for a different data type by adding responseType=[type] where [type] is one of the values listed below.

These are the response data types we support:

  • "json" - The default.
  • "plist" - Format that apple developers may want. Coming soon
  • "xml" - Standard, well-formed XML data. Coming soon
  • "opml" - XML data formatted as an OPML outline according to the spec. Coming soon
  • "rss" - An RSS v2.0 representation of the data if you wanted to follow a result set as if it were a feed. Coming soon
  • "csv" - The result set formatted as comma separated values, with double-quote value delimiters. Coming soon

Optional Parameters

There are various optional parameters you can pass when calling API endpoints to modify the reponses. Some are boolean true by their presence (like "itunes"), while others require a value to be passed.

Here is the current list:

  • "pretty" (bool) - If present, makes the output "pretty" to help with debugging.
  • "apple" (bool) - If present, only returns podcasts that also exist in Apple's directory, if we can determine that. Coming soon
  • "itunes" (bool) - If present, gives you back exactly what an itunes lookup API call would. Coming soon
  • "max=<99>" (int) - Limits the number of results returned to the maximum number specified, where contextually appropriate.
  • "fulltext" (bool) - If present, returns the full text of long text properties, like 'description'. Otherwise, all text fields are truncated to 100 words.

Response Structure (Podcasts/Feeds)

We give you everything we know about the feed. Here is a breakdown of the different values and their meaning. You can expect additional properties to be added going forward. We attempt to "normalize" podcast feeds into a predictable property set, to minimize the need for vendor specifics and namespaces.

    "status": "true",
    "feeds": [
        "id": 75075,
        "title": "Batman University",
        "url": "https:\/\/\/batmanuniversity",
        "originalUrl": "https:\/\/\/batmanuniversity",
        "link": "https:\/\/\/batmanuniversity\/",
        "description": "Batman University is a seasonal podcast about you know who. It began with
           an analysis of episodes of Batman: The Animated Series but has now expanded
           to cover other series, movies, and media. Your professor is Tony Sindelar.",
        "author": "Tony Sindelar",
        "ownerName": "The Incomparable",
        "image": "https:\/\/\/imgs\/logos\/logo-batmanuniversity-3x.jpg",
        "artwork": "https:\/\/\/imgs\/logos\/logo-batmanuniversity-3x.jpg",
        "lastUpdateTime": 1546399813,
        "lastCrawlTime": 1599328949,
        "lastParseTime": 1599012694,
        "lastGoodHttpStatusTime": 1599328949,
        "lastHttpStatus": 200,
        "contentType": "application\/x-rss+xml",
        "itunesId": 1441923632,
        "generator": null,
        "type": 0,
        "dead": 0,
        "crawlErrors": 0,
        "parseErrors": 0
    "count": 1,
    "query": "batman university",
    "description": "Found matching feeds."
  • "id" - The internal feed id.
  • "title" - The feed title.
  • "url" - The current feed url.
  • "originalUrl" - The url of the feed, before it changed to it's current url.
  • "link" - The channel level link in the feed.
  • "description" - The channel-level description.
  • "author" - The channel-level author element. Usually iTunes specific, but could be from another namespace if not present.
  • "ownerName" - The channel-level owner:name element. Usually iTunes specific, but could be from another namespace if not present.
  • "image" - The channel-level image element.
  • "artwork" - The seemingly best artwork we can find for the feed. Might be the same as 'image' in most instances.
  • "lastUpdateTime" - [Unix Epoch] The channel-level pubDate for the feed, if it's sane. If not, this is a heuristic valu, arrived at by analyzing other parts of the feed, like item-level pubDates.
  • "lastCrawlTime" - [Unix Epoch] The last time we attempted to pull this feed from it's url.
  • "lastParseTime" - [Unix Epoch] The last time we tried to parse the downloaded feed content.
  • "lastGoodHttpStatusTime" - [Unix Epoch] Timestamp of the last time we got a "good", meaning non-4xx/non-5xx, status code when pulling this feed from it's url.
  • "lastHttpStatus" - The last http status code we got when pulling this feed from it's url. You will see some made up status codes sometimes. These are what we use to track state within the feed puller. These all start with 9xx.
  • "contentType" - The Content-Type header from the last time we pulled this feed from it's url.
  • "lastCrawlTime" - [Unix Epoch] The last time we attempted to pull this feed from it's url.
  • "itunesId" - The itunes id of this feed if there is one, and we know what it is.
  • "generator" - The channel-level generator element if there is one.
  • "type" - 0 = RSS, 1 = ATOM
  • "dead" - At some point, we give up trying to process a feed and mark it as dead. This is usually after 1000 errors without a successful pull/parse cycle. Once the feed is marked dead, we only check it once per month.
  • "crawlErrors" - The number of errors we've encountered trying to pull a copy of the feed. Errors are things like a 500 or 404 resopnse, a server timeout, bad encoding, etc.
  • "parseErrors" - The number of errors we've encountered trying to parse the feed content. Errors here are things like not well-formed xml, bad character encoding, etc. We fix many of these types of issues on the fly when parsing. We only increment the errors count when we can't fix it.

Example code

Here are some examples to get you started.


//Required values  
$apiSecret = "yzJe2eE7XV-3eY576dyRZ6wXyAbndh6LUrCZ8KN|";  
$apiHeaderTime = time();  

//Hash them to get the Authorization token  
$hash = sha1($apiKey.$apiSecret.$apiHeaderTime);  

//Set the required headers  
$headers = [  
    "User-Agent: SuperPodcastPlayer/1.3",  
    "X-Auth-Key: $apiKey",  
    "X-Auth-Date: $apiHeaderTime",  
    "Authorization: $hash"  

//Make the request to an API endpoint  
$ch = curl_init();  
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL,"");  
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);  
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers);  

//Collect and show the results  
$response = curl_exec ($ch);  
curl_close ($ch);  
echo print_r(json_decode($response), TRUE);  


//Required values  
string apiSecret = "yzJe2eE7XV-3eY576dyRZ6wXyAbndh6LUrCZ8KN|";  
TimeSpan t = DateTime.UtcNow - new DateTime(1970, 1, 1);  
int apiHeaderTime = (int)t.TotalSeconds;  

//Hash them to get the Authorization token  
string hash = "";  
using (SHA1Managed sha1 = new SHA1Managed())  
    var hashed = sha1.ComputeHash(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(apiKey + apiSecret + apiHeaderTime));  
    var sb = new StringBuilder(hashed.Length * 2);  

    foreach (byte b in hashed)  
        // can be "x2" if you want lowercase  

    hash = sb.ToString();  

//Create the web request and add the required headers  
HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create("");  
request.Headers.Add("User-Agent", "SuperPodcastPlayer/1.3");  
request.Headers.Add("X-Auth-Date", apiHeaderTime.ToString());  
request.Headers.Add("X-Auth-Key", apiKey);  
request.Headers.Add("Authorization", hash);  

//Send the request and collect/show the results  
    WebResponse webResponse2 = request.GetResponse();  
    Stream stream2 = webResponse2.GetResponseStream();  
    StreamReader reader2 = new StreamReader(stream2);  


catch (Exception e)  


import Foundation
import CommonCrypto

extension String {
    func sha1() -> String {
        let data = Data(self.utf8)
        var digest = [UInt8](repeating: 0, count:Int(CC_SHA1_DIGEST_LENGTH))
        data.withUnsafeBytes {
            _ = CC_SHA1($0.baseAddress, CC_LONG(data.count), &digest)
        let hexBytes = { String(format: "%02hhx", $0) }
        return hexBytes.joined()

let apiSecret = "yzJe2eE7XV-3eY576dyRZ6wXyAbndh6LUrCZ8KN|"
let apiHeaderTime = String(Int(Date().timeIntervalSince1970))
let hash = (apiKey + apiSecret + apiHeaderTime).sha1()

var semaphore = DispatchSemaphore (value: 0)
var request = URLRequest(url: URL(string: "")!,timeoutInterval: Double.infinity)
request.addValue("SuperPodcastPlayer/1.3", forHTTPHeaderField: "User-Agent")
request.addValue(apiKey, forHTTPHeaderField: "X-Auth-Key")
request.addValue(apiHeaderTime, forHTTPHeaderField: "X-Auth-Date")
request.addValue(hash, forHTTPHeaderField: "Authorization")

request.httpMethod = "GET"

let task = URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: request) { data, response, error in
    guard let data = data else {
        print(String(describing: error))
    print(String(data: data, encoding: .utf8)!)



Developer documentation for the api.






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