About: Implementation of a inverse index based query search engine
- import sys
- re
- nltk
- collections
- json
- math
- operator
- Parsing the json data to load data to respective feilds.
- Concatination of texts from all the fields in the data of a file.
- Replacing the non-alphabetic charecters with spaces.
- Removing the stopwords from the text data.
- Stemming of the words (used Porter stemmer from nltk.stem).
- Created two types of index
- One with Word and docId of docs that contain it along with it's frequncy in that doc
- Other with Word and docId of docs that contain that word with the tf-idf score of the word.
can uncomment some of the parts in the code to write these indexes in files to look it yourself.
- For each word we calculate the tf-idf score.
- For more insights regarding the formulation of tf and idf independently please visit here.
- loadQueries is the function that loads the queries already present in the file inside
. - query is tokenized and stemmed as we did the document texts while preparing the indexes.
- tokens not present in the indexing are dropped from the query token,
see line #149 of createIndex.py
- Our system returns a list of docIds in the order of
higher to lower
relevance. - The docIds at begining are more relevent to our query as compared to the later once.
- These are compared on the tf-idf scores computed for all the words of the query across all the documents.
- Systems nDCG (relevance) score is ~0.6 which is a good score for as basic and naive method we have implemented here.
- can use semantics to get more favourable words related to a word in the query.
- Specific to feild query cases to be handled.
Join for discussions and doubts regarding the workflow of the system.