CytoMCS is a Cytoscape 3.0 app for computing the maximum common edge subgraph between two or more large networks. The app uses an iterative local search algorithm to find large conserved subgraphs, and is able to detect not only fully conserved edges, but also partially conserved. CytoMCS supports both directed and undirected networks.
The Cytoscape app is available through the Cytoscape app store here:
First clone and compile the FaithMCS repository:
git clone
cd faithmcs
mvn package
Then clone the CytoMCS repository, install the FaithMCS package locally and compile:
git clone
cd cytomcs
mvn install:install-file -Dfile=/path/to/faithmcs-0.2.jar
mvn package
The compiled Cytoscape 3.0 app can then be found in cytomcs/target/cytomcs-1.1.jar.
The source code for CytoMCS and FaithMCS is available here:
CytoMCS is licensed under the GPU General Public License v3.0. See for more information.
Larsen, Simon J., and Jan Baumbach. "CytoMCS: A Multiple Maximum Common Subgraph Detection Tool for Cytoscape." Journal of Integrative Bioinformatics 14.2 (2017).