The purpose of this Application is to collect a set of images (photos) and extract from them a series of metadata with the aim of making the photos indexable and searchable. In particular, we implemented a multi-class classification system that can detect whether a given image contains: one or more male, one or more female, both male and female, no person. We choose to retrieve the set of photos from Facebook, in particular we took the public photos from the User profiles. The extraction of the metadata is implemented through the use of the Cognitive Services of Microsoft.
The Server on which we released the Web Application is a Linux Server. More precisely, CentOS 7 Core x64 equipped with an HTTP Apache Server, running on port 80. In addition, an instance of HDFS (cluster mode) runs on the server. For safety reasons, the HDFS services are not exposed on the Internet, but they are accessible only from the local machine. This is why we use a reverse Proxy (Kestrel), configured to reply at the location:
To develop the project we used .NET Core because it allows to build robust and cross-platform solutions. The following two sub-paragraphs will explain in detail the integration with Facebook services and with the Cognitive Services of Microsoft.
We used the Facebook Graph API, needed to access and interact with Facebook contents. To use them, we first needed to ask for the API KEY, specifying the needed “security scopes” for the Application. In particular, we request “user_photos” to gain the url of the User’s public photos. This step wasn’t immediate because Facebook requires a screencast of the Application to show explicitly the User’s actions for performing the login, accepting to give access to the public photos, and once accepted, Facebook redirects to our application. After that, the request is submitted and approved/rejected by the Facebook Team. After clicking on the “Login” button, as we said, the user is redirected to Facebook, he grants the permissions, and is redirected back to our Homepage. Now it is possible to obtain the list of the public images of the user, which we will forward to the Cognitive Services of Microsoft.
We used the Computer Vision API (v1.0). It provides state-of-the-art algorithms to process images and return information. For example, it can be used to determine if an image contains mature content, or it can be used to find all the faces in an image, or to categorize the content of images. This operation extracts a rich set of visual features based on the image content. Two input methods are supported:
- Uploading an image
- Specifying an image URL
Within the request, there is an optional parameter to allow to choose which features to return. By default, image categories are returned in the response. A successful response will be returned in JSON. If the request fails, the response will contain an error code and a message to help understand what went wrong. For every image we call the Computer Vision API to gain some informative content, through the following call:,Description,Color,Faces,ImageType,Adult
The metadata we collect are:
- Categories - categorizes image content according to a taxonomy defined in documentation.
- Tags - tags the image with a detailed list of words related to the image content.
- Description - describes the image content with a complete English sentence.
- Faces - detects if faces are present. If present, generate coordinates, gender and age.
- ImageType - detects if image is clipart or a line drawing.
- Color - determines the accent color, dominan2t color, and whether an image is black&white.
- Adult - detects if the image is pornographic in nature (depicts nudity or a sex act). Sexually suggestive content is also detected.
After retrieving these informations from each photo, we show in the Homepage the miniatures of the photos. To avoid that the user spends too much time waiting, the page is increasingly populated with groups of ten photos. By clicking on one photo the user can see the metadata associated. In background we created a Task to create a JSON file containing the url of each photo and the associated metadata. This file is stored on HDFS. To do that, we used the REST API of WebHDFS through the following request: http://master:50070/webhdfs/v1/[PATH]/[USER_FACEBOOK_ID]_[GUID].json?op=CREATE&overwrite=tru e where: • PATH represents the location on which we want to save the file • USER_FACEBOOK_ID represents the user associated to the file (we have a single file for each user) • GUID is a univocal identifier
Compile ASP.NET Core Application so that it could run on the server, copy it on /home/simone.cusimano/centos7.x64 and give it appropriate permissions dotnet publish -c release -r centos.7-x64 chmod 775 -R /home/simone.cusimano/centos7.x64
Create an HTTPD configuration file in "/etc/httpd/conf.d/simonecusimano.conf" as root user LimitRequestFieldSize 50000 ProxyTimeout 1200 <VirtualHost *:80> ProxyPreserveHost On ProxyPass /scusimano timeout=1200 ProxyPassReverse /scusimano ErrorLog /var/log/httpd/scusimano-error.log CustomLog /var/log/httpd/scusimano-access.log common
Create a service file in "/etc/systemd/system/simonecusimano.service" as root user and give it appropriate permission (chmod 775 /etc/systemd/system/simonecusimano.service) [Unit] Description=Are2Project [Service] ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/dotnet /home/simone.cusimano/centos7.x64/Are2Project.dll Restart=always RestartSec=10 SyslogIdentifier=Are2Project User=root WorkingDirectory=/home/simone.cusimano/centos7.x64/ Environment=ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT=Production [Install]
Apache Check Tests service httpd configtest
Service Check Tests systemctl start simonecusimano.service systemctl status simonecusimano.service