PyPetriaInventory is a Python application that allows users to load, view, and filter inventory items from a text file. It provides a graphical user interface for easy interaction with the inventory data.
- Load the Petria inventory files in text format
- Display Petria items in a sortable treeview
- Filter Petria items by various attributes:
- Object type
- Weapon type
- Level range
- Item attributes (Hit Roll, Damago Roll, Wisdom, Intelligence, etc.)
- Search items by name
- View detailed item information
- Automatically load 'inventario.txt' if present in the same directory
- Python 3.x
- tkinter
- Clone this repository:
git clone
- Navigate to the project directory:
cd inventory-viewer
- Run the main script:
- Launch the application.
- If 'inventario.txt' is in the same directory, it will be loaded automatically.
- Otherwise, click "Load Inventory File" to select an inventory file.
- Use the filters and search bar to find specific items.
- Click on an item in the treeview to see its details.
: Entry point for the
: Main application
: GUI component creation
: Functions for parsing inventory
: Utility functions for sorting and filtering
Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome. Feel free to check issues page if you want to contribute.