Install either through the CMS or install the nuget both are located under /build/Package
The settings are located on the Siteimprove content tab
Required to authenticate communication between the add-on and Siteimprove.
Specify all the id's that will trigger a recrawl. Comma separate the id's
Modify the page URL that is sent to Siteimprove, by replacing a part of the Umbraco URL. If the new part is empty, the current part will be removed.
Umbraco URL:
Current URL part: about
New URL part: custom
Page URL that will be sent to Siteimprove:
The URL modification is inherited to all the descendant nodes without URL modifications.
The URL modification overrules any other modification from an ancestor node.
Reference class library to Umbraco project
Add the following to Post-Build event command line:
xcopy /I /E /Y "$(ProjectDir)bin\App_Plugins" "$(ProjectDir)App_Plugins"
Start console output after document ready
siteimprove.log = true
Run the build.bat
- Upload package to some nuget repository