Fake news filter website, made during hackathon on Silesian University of Technology "Code with Accenture - Hackathon AEI"
- React
- Redux
- React - Router
- Styled components - thanks to them components are independently reusable
- Redux Thunk - need of asynchronous API call
News API is a simple HTTP REST API for searching and retrieving live articles from all over the web. It can help you answer questions like:
- What top stories is the NY Times running right now?
- What new articles were published about the next iPhone today?
- Has my company or product been mentioned or reviewed by any blogs recently?
Based on Avast article "How to identify fake news and prevent it from spreading." https://blog.avast.com/banish-fake-news-think-before-you-share
Algorithm is based on several factors:
What source does the piece come from, is it reputable?
It has a catchy headline?
Is it current? Check the date to make sure you’re not ready to flip your wig (and someone else’s) over two-year old news, whether real or fake.
It has an author?
Users also can choose, according to intuition, if article is fake or true, by clicking buttons, placed on card with article
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(https://github.com/Skotee) (https://github.com/filiplipinski) https://github.com/rafallabisz