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SkytAsul edited this page Sep 19, 2020 · 24 revisions

Welcome to the Configuration wiki page

Look here for the default config.yml file.


Available particle effects are: barrier, block_crack, block_dust, bubble_column_up, bubble_pop, cloud, crit, crit_magic, current_down, damage_indicator, dolphin, dragon_breath, drip_lava, drip_water, enchantment_table, end_rod, explosion_huge, explosion_large, explosion_normal, falling_dust, fireworks_spark, flame, footstep, heart, item_crack, item_take, lava, mob_appearance, nautilus, note, portal, redstone, slime, smoke_large, smoke_normal, snow_shovel, snowball, spell, spell_instant, spell_mob, spell_mob_ambient, spell_witch, spit, squid_ink, suspended, suspended_depth, sweep_attack, totem, town_aura, villager_angry, villager_happy, water_bubble, water_drop, water_splash, water_wake

Particle color is red, green and blue values of the wanted color of the particles* (only for reddust, mobSpellAmbient and mobSpell)

*To create your own colors, use this kind of website :

First, go the website. Choose a color among those of the hexagon, and copy the three values of the "rgb" line in the configuration file.

How to make an array ?

Arrays are always delimited by []. If you want to build an empty array, just type []. If you want an array with only one value, it's [VALUE]. And after, you just have to separate values by a comma, like this: [1, 2, 3].