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Slate GSuite Connector

Provides for data synchronization between a Slate site and a Google Workspace / G Suite domain


This module uses Domain-Wide Delegation so that an administrator can connect Slate with Google once upfront and enable Slate to carry out actions as any user in the domain without individuals needing to manually link their Google accounts.


  • Push Users
    • Create Google accounts for Slate users
    • Discover existing Google accounts and match them to Slate users
  • Create Calender Events
    • Create Section Event link added to section homepages automates creating a Google Calendar event with all students and teachers for the section added as guests and a Google Meet link attached


  1. Follow the first two sections of the Google guide to Perform Google Workspace Domain-Wide Delegation of Authority

    • Create the service account and credentials

      • Create a new project if you don't have one anyway. The name doesn't matter, you can use the school's name.
      • When creating a key, choose the JSON format as the guide recommends
    • Delegate domain-wide authority to your service account

      • When delegating domain-wide authority to the service account, paste the following list of OAuth Scopes:,,
    • Ignore the Instantiate an Admin SDK Directory service object section

  2. Open the downloaded JSON file from creating the key, and populate the API::$clientId, API::$clientEmail, and API::$privateKey settings in php-config/Slate/Connectors/GSuite/API.config.d/credentials.php

    • Configure API::$domain with the primary domain name associated with the Google Workspace
    • Configure API::$adminUser with the email address of an admin user Slate can act as when making changes in the Google Workspace
  3. Enable the following APIs within the project created at the beginning of step 1:

  4. If Slate's original Google Apps connector has been in use, be sure to execute the Slate/Connectors/GSUite/20210427_connector-mappings.php migration before using the connector



Access the connector at

Calendar Event Creator

Access the Create Section Event button from the sidebar on any section's homepage.